Bringing plant-based nutrition experts into policy discussions related to ameliorating the chronic disease epidemic

John Kaplan, MD a physician and Plant-Based Whole Foods Nutrition Consultant [].
70% of once uncommon and now epidemic chronic diseases are food- borne illnesses. In the last 75 years the American diet has undergone a radical transformation, from primarily plant- predominant whole foods to largely synthetic food-like- substances created in the laboratories of large industrial food producers.
Recent research has made it evident that Chronic illnesses may be prevented, ameliorated, and often reversed by employing an exclusively lower fat whole foods nutritional lifestyle change. Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart Disease, Irritable Bowl Disease, Alzheimer’s Dementia, Autoimmune Diseases [like Lupus], and many Cancers may be addressed by lifestyle changes rather than with “pills and procedures”.
Luminaries in the Academic Plant-Based universe of academic scholars include (I have only listed a few):
Heart Disease: *Coldwell Esselstyn, MD ( Author: Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease * Joel Kahn, MD- Past President of ACLM ( Author: The Plant Based Solution) *Kim Williams, MD- Former president of The American College of Cardiology
Diabetes: *Cyrus Khambatta, PhD (Author: Mastering Diabetes) *Neal Barnard, MD [of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine- PCRM]- Author: of Dr Barnard’s Program for Reversing Diabetes
Autoimmune Diseases: *Brook Goldner, MD (Author of Goodbye Lupus and Goodbye Autoimmune Disease) * Saray Stancic, MD (Author: What’s Missing From Medicine)
Bowal Inflammation and Colon Cancer: *Alan Desmond, MD (Author: The Plant-Based Revolution)

General Medical Conditions: *Neal Barnard (Author: Your Body in Balance and The Power Food Diet) *Joel Fuhrman, MD (Author: Eat To Live) *Michael Greger, MD (Author: How Not To Die; and Website: *Dean Ornish, MD (Author: UnDo It!)
Alzheimer’s Dementia: *Dean and Ayesha, MDs (Authors: The Alzheimer’s Solution

There is an immediate need to address the Nutritional etiology driving the current suffering caused by the current chronic disease epidemic. Ther are many worthy clinical and published academic researchers who are excellent candidates to play such a role in the forthcoming Trump/Vance/Kennedy administration. A short list should include:
Neal Barnard MD of the Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM)
Joel Fuhrman, MD, FACFM
Michael Greger, MD, FACLM
Joel Kahn, MD, FACC
Kim Williams, MD, FACC

Thank you,
John Kaplan, MD, FACOG Dr John’s Nutrition Health Wildomar, CA 951-551-8991


I agree with your recommendations of Doctor Experts at the end of your post. Based on my personal research over the years these are a good start.

There is also a very decent group of non-medical doctors who have been working on these topics for 20-30 years and more, and who have a wealth of practical and empirical knowledge to share. There are other practicing medical doctors who have successfully treated many patients, taught others, and who have been interviewed. I will get my list of these additional names together and post it here. -Ann

Thank you. I want the incoming administration to hear a few differing opinions, but when it comes to nutrition there are many who profer hearsay with no data or significanr clinical observation to substanciate it. I have listed scietists who have command of facts overlooked by the captured corporate medical community.
Dr John

John, Thank you as well. I understand completely, which is why I wrote the comment I wrote. I believe I also stated I agreed with your recommendations which is why I will be contributing a brief additional list. I can assure you the concept of hearsay is most certainly not in my lexicon.

I look forward to working on this collaborative government policy project with all those interested, in order to bring the best of the best to the American people.

Thanks again and have a great night. Ann

Thank you Ann. Dr J

The gov’t already seems to be hell bent on forcing us all to give up meat in favor of highly processed “plant based” products. I see no need to push it further. Meat, when properly raised, is highly nutritious and essential for health. What is called plant-based nutrition is often mono-cropped fields of soy (frequently doused with high levels of poisonous glyphosate) that is then processed through intensive energy usage to be made into a product to imitate the real thing. Better efforts should be made to reduce all processed foods and return to diets closer to our ancestors’.

Hello Ken. Thank you for your thoughtful remarks.
“Teach by doing.” I eat no animal products. What I DO EAT is the real issue. I eat piles of chopped raw cruciferous veggies; red, green, and purple vegetables; beans made in our Instant Pot pressure cooker; all kinds of fresh fruit; flax and other seeds, some nuts. Oh yes, I am a human and although I advocate Whole Intact Grain (not whole grain flaked cereal- another processed food) I do eat a little white bread on occasion and they always put to much oil on the food at vegan restaurants… I also use a touch of vegan dressing , salsa, and balsamic vinegar on my gigantic salads. Etc. Etc.
I agree that GMO products laced with Glyphosate is hardly the foundation of a healthy meal. We must label ALL GMO products clearly!
I am 76 and do NOT require any medication. It is not an accident.
Join the WFPB movement. It feels wonderful.
Dr John
John Kaplan, MD

Good to hear it is working for you. I belong to the Weston Price Foundation which teaches the benefits of traditional foods, farming and healing and that includes pasture raised animal products, fermented foods, raw milk, and of course fresh vegetables. Living like our ancestors. If what you are doing is working for you, by all means, continue. A vegan diet is not very good for everyone. I’m 70 and also not on medications of any kind.

Right now the most important issue is to end the corruption in the government agencies which systematically prioritize the interests of the major Pharmaceutical Companies, Oil Companies, National Beef Association, The Egg Board, Food Packaging Industries, and others over the health of the nations people.
We desperately need an administration willing to explore the basis of chronic disease and act on it. We now have the sickest generation in our history. It was and is avoidable; and it is undoubtedly and may be ameliorated quickly.
Under the guidance of an empowered Robert F Kennedy Jr., a Trump administration may quickly and decisively impact this existential threat to our nation.
Dr John

I agree, Dr. John, that agency capture, which RFKjr speaks of is a threat to this nation. Pharma, Big Ag and chemical companies all profiting on the failed health of the citizens–a condition they created. The forced mass vaccination program by this gov’t was one of the greatest attacks upon the health of the citizens I’ve ever seen. The education of citizens as to the dangers of consuming pharmaceutical products, industrial foods loaded with toxic seed oils and sugar, using endless pesticide/herbicides on their “food”. Most people are unaware and/or don’t care. Even when they are aware, many prefer to run to a doctor for a pill to emiliorate the symptoms rather than change their lifestyles. RFK is up against some big gorillas that won’t give up the power or money easily. I support his efforts.