Block US Involvement in the UN’s Pact for the Future

The UN’s Pact for the Future grants sweeping authority to the UN, while simultaneously standing in direct opposition with American Constitutional rights. Even further, it grants the UN the authority to deploy an emergency response team with limited consultation with world leaders, superseding the nation’s own sovereignty in cases of “climatic or environmental events, pandemics, disruptive activity in cyberspace or disruptions to global digital connectivity, or disruptions to global flows of goods, people or finance.”

Its core objectives are to establish a global governance system, a huge development aid “stimulus;” increased climate finance; endorsement of government censorship of misinformation and disinformation; establishment of rules and norms governing the use of artificial intelligence; and negotiation of legally binding instruments on autonomous weapons, arms in outer space, and plastic pollution.

Its language surrounding aid for developing economies are especially concerning when you consider that China, the second largest economy in the world, also managed to become classified as a developing economy.

Please withdraw from the Pact, the UN, and WHO as soon as possible.


We should have never been involved with the UN. This whole deal is just a bad idea we need to get America back on top so that we can be there to actually lend that helping hand to others in the future. Right now we need to focus on healing and growing.

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