Exit the united nations and all its agencies

The United Nations is a corrupt international organization controlled by the globalist technocratic cabal. The USA must immediately exit it and promote the dissolution of this organization created for a global centralized dictatorial government overriding national sovereignty.

With misleading attractive slogans like equality, equity and sustainability, the United Nations is actually promoting the decimation of the human population and the herding of the surviving few (500 million?) into dystopian 15 minute cities where the residents (mostly cyborgs) will be slaves under constant surveillance.

The recent approval by “consensus” of the United Nations Path to the Future is getting them much closer to their coveted goal of becoming global dictators advised by technocrats.


Any treaty that limits the sovereign powers of the United States should be voided


When Trump was president, he started lowering the amount the US contributed to the UN. Biden immediately increased it in his first 6 months in office. The US is currently giving $18 BILLION to the UN. We were giving addition to UNRWA, but it is on hold for a few months. The US is only required, as a member, to pay 17% of the $18 Billion (only $3 Billion). And nothing over that amount. Also, the land & buildings the UN sets riverfront property and pays no income tax. The diplomats & all employees do not pay any income tax. Maybe these freebies could count towards our contribution. The US should be able to restrict any money going to any of the UN’s 15 agencies. Make sure the US is officially not a member of WHO or UNRWA. International policy secretary should look into the US breaking from the UN all together. Until that time,the US should pay only the minimum and not 1 penny over.

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