Blanket Income Tax Reform

The Trump team has already committed to eliminating federal income taxes for OT and tips for servers. But, we should eliminate ALL federal income tax.

Allow the states to increase their income tax rates (even 2x each states income tax would be less net burden on the average tax payer) and then the states have more control over the federal government. Exactly as the Constitution intended!

And, eliminate all corporate tax write offs for items considered assets - depreciating or otherwise. No jets, no boats, no trucks/cars, etc. Allow them to write off maintenence but not the asset itself.

We need to provide other incentives for businesses to be able to write off, such as employee training/continuing education and healthcare contributions at 2x their inputs, but only for domestic companies based in (AND OPERATING IN) the US. This will improve the quality of life of Americans and return our industrial base.


Income taxes are just way to control people economically and socially. If we step out of line with the government, they can audit you and stick an arbitrary crime against you. It makes us more poor so that government is the ultimate arbiter of your freedom economically. Less freedom, less choice ultimately leads to more dependence on government for sustenance.

We can fund our government through tariffs and just by printing more money at the central bank because we have the world’s reserve currency.

The central bank pulled the greatest Ponzi scheme in the American people through the income tax and being the designer of the American fiscal policy. They are a consortium of private central bankers who make interest on the money they endlessly. They print it, lend it and make the interest from lending it. I don’t know how they pulled it off. It we need to end the Fed, income tax, and the IRS gastapo.

Instead of trying to tweak the broken and corrupt system, we probably should be looking into completely replacing it. This might apply toward that end…