Income Tax Reform

I think it is the entire “taxation of income” system that is burdensome and unconstitutional, and should be abolished. Most Americans simply want to end the yearly wealth extraction and tax forms. Replacing the current income tax revenue with tariff revenue on newly imported goods drastically reduces government intrusion, frustration, and annual confiscation of wealth, which WE must administer through tax filings.

Unlike the current income tax system, tariffs would end yearly tax filings, create incentives to mfg companies to return to American shores and thereby increase overall standard of livings, and most importantly, give those Americans control back over their lives with regards to their incomes and the mandate to report on it every year.

Not filing income taxes or worrying about sorting, deducting, itemizing, form-filling, mailing, receipt-counting, is what most of us would prefer, and instead, deal with the slightly higher imported product costs associated with tariffs. We CAN control our wealth with tariffs in place, simply by purchasing used, second-hand, and thrift store items instead of new items. And we CANNOT control our wealth with the current income tax structure in place, since our wealth is taken from us even before it hits our pockets.

There are some who are stuck inside of a box, thinking that the current income tax system has to remain in place, and the only thing that WE THE PEOPLE can do is juggle tax brackets around and create more stipulations and conditions to the existing tax polices in place. Some consider moving the upper tax brackets around, thinking that they might be able to get more govt services for themselves (being in a lower tax bracket) if the suggest it.

What they are doing, without realizing it, is keeping the income tax game going, because they cannot see any other way that the government gets funding. And when you see them playing with hard numbers (ie: mentioning things like “greater taxation for those making $150,0000 or above”), they are showing, without realizing it, that they do not know how the current monetary system works or how it affects other Americans. Here is a simplistic but relevant example: Suppose they suggest placing stiff taxes on “the wealthy”, where said people earn over $120k/yr. Now, considering the value of the U.S. Dollar has been in steady decline since 1913, and is almost at zero purchasing power, companies will have to pay their employees higher wages (in depreciated dollars) to maintain the same standard of living. All else constant, as seen in other countries where hyper-inflation was rampant, $120k might buy you a cup of coffee. So indirectly, these people who propose adjusting hard numbers within our current income tax policies, are indirectly putting themselves in the cross-hairs for that “stiff tax” in the near future. Would you listen to someone’s advice, when they can’t even figure out how they are shooting themselves (and everyone else) in the foot, later on?

Here is another example, and let us take it to ridiculous extremes in order to hit the point home (note, we wont debate the ridiculous extremes after posting them – they are used as a foolish example)…let us pretend that said person got his suggestion converted into tax policy and his/her suggestion was to “Steal all the homes of the rich American people who make over $1 million dollars in income.” A few months later, a magical thing happens “like NESARA, and a Debt Jubilee”. Suddenly, this person gained over $1 million in wealth, and as soon as he reported it to the IRS, they came and stole his home from him. See how foolish this person was, for trying to play the current income tax game, jiggle the tax brackets and current tax polices, instead of push to abolish the current income tax system and the IRS once and for all, replacing it with another form of government revenue? Would you listen to this sort of person or give their suggestion any serious weight? The example may appear ridiculous but the point has been conveyed, I believe.

Let’s dump the current income tax system and the IRS – it is played out. Shuffling the chairs on the titanic at this stage is not going to make the ride anymore attractive. Tariffs are the way to go for most average Americans who wish to keep more money in their pockets and are OK with shopping for used items.

President Trump is offering to take the U.S. back to the days of tariffs, before there was income tax – I completely back this idea, since we have control over what new items that we buy, and thus have control over how much money stays in our pockets.

  • Income tax (of any sort ) = YOU HAVE NO CONTROL (aside from hiding earnings in a black market economy )
  • Tariffs = YOU HAVE TOTAL CONTROL (buy stuff used, second-hand, and cash only )

All tax on income should be abolished and replaced with tariffs. Unlike income taxes, tariffs create an incentive for mfg companies to return to American shores once more in order to avoid said tariffs. Doing so will create more jobs and local industry, further reducing overall business costs and increasing per capita standard of living. Stopping property taxes, I can understand and support, since it is unconstitutional county-level extortion and theft. My two cents. Thx.