Use weather modification to steer hurricanes away from US coasts, and/or to downgrade their intensity. Patents have been issued for tornado control-use this device to downgrade and/or steer tornadoes from residential areas. Use weather modification technology to steer rain to drought-stricken areas of the US, to prevent anything like the “Dust Bowl” in the Midwest during the 1930s. Modify the weather to benefit, not destroy!
I firmly believe that if they stop ALL weather modification, then we would not be seeing the intense storms we currently experience nor the rise in temperatures. Stop the government (or whoever is doing this) from playing God.
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They have the ability to intensify storms! There are historical records of bad storms before this technology was invented. On the other hand, how nice would it be for the East Coast/Gulf Coast NOT to HAVE A HURRICANE SEASON? Or the Midwest NOT to HAVE TORNADOES?