Family and Societal Collapse: The collapse of the family unit is directly tied to women’s political influence. Women have overwhelmingly supported feminist policies that promote welfare programs, replacing men in the household and incentivizing single motherhood. As a result, the traditional family structure has crumbled, leaving behind a society plagued by crime, mental health crises, and declining birth rates. Without strong family units, society cannot be stable, and women’s votes have accelerated this decline.
Emotional Voting and Leftist Bias: Women are inherently more emotional voters, prioritizing single-issue causes like abortion and LGBTQ+ rights without understanding the broader societal consequences. Their decisions tend to favor policies that expand government power, increase social dependency, and erode traditional values. This emotional bias weakens national resolve, undermining the long-term stability of the country. Women’s votes lead to irrational, short-term-focused governance that has no regard for the nation’s future.
Economic Consequences: When women entered the workforce and gained voting power, they doubled the labor supply, driving down wages and creating fewer economically viable men. As a result, men are increasingly unable to fulfill their traditional breadwinner roles, leading to a breakdown in marriage rates and family stability. Women’s political influence has directly contributed to economic policies that devalue male labor, further destabilizing the family unit and harming society at large.
Destruction of Masculine Leadership: Women’s involvement in politics weakens masculine leadership, which is essential for guiding a nation through times of crisis. Women tend to vote for policies that prioritize short-term comfort over the hard decisions needed for long-term national strength. In times of crisis, society naturally turns to men for leadership, not feminists. Allowing women to influence policy undermines this dynamic, weakening the nation’s ability to face challenges with strength and resolve.
Moral Decline and Feminist Influence: Feminist policies pushed by women have eroded the traditional moral values that held society together. Women overwhelmingly support abortion, LGBTQ+ rights, and other policies that weaken the moral fabric of society, causing widespread moral decay and destabilizing the foundation necessary for a healthy civilization.
Historical Precedent: For thousands of years, societies thrived under male-dominated leadership, and granting women political power is a modern experiment that has failed. The experiment of women’s suffrage has led to societal collapse, and reversing this would restore balance. By removing women from voting and political power, we can refocus on rational, long-term national interests, restore the family, and return to a stable, prosperous civilization.
Not all women feel abortion is an huge topic? And there are many men who are incredibly left and progressive… so what? Don’t let them vote either? This is just dumb honestly… there’s emotional instability from both genders. I mean, look at all these men pretending to be women.
Society is collapsing because the family is collapsing - and that is because women have been set to compete against men instead of cooperate, like it or not.
The gain in political power doesn’t outweigh the cost to our civilization 100 years on. Women lost their privileged place in society as mothers, and fathers lost the ability to support a family.
Women doubled the labor force, and then complain there are no economically viable men. There is a lack of common sense here.
Women vote for policies that increase the size of gov to their short-term benefit, which give incentives to break up families by essentially replacing fathers through welfare.
Men, women and children are suffering due to the societal instability brought on by feminist policies and weak men sympathizers.
The majority of women are emotional, leftist, single-issue voters who would vote for the devil and WW3 if it means they get the “right” to kill their children.
They do not belong anywhere near a voting booth, or positions of power, on that alone.
i would take things a step further and disallow men under 25 to vote either - they are too young, idealistic and stupid to know when they are being lied to…
Plenty of men want abortion cuz they don’t want to support a kid or mom. And plenty of women are raising kids without fathers. You can’t discriminate against a women.
This is just stupid! We need to do a better job at educating people about how a baby is a life and deserves protection. We need to teach morals again, and we need to teach birth control. We need to support adoption and make it easier. We need to help unwed mothers who think they have no other choices.
However, even people with whom we disagree deserve to be able to vote and have their voices heard. There are plenty of men and women on both sides of this and other issues.
Well that would deal with the problem more precisely, just banning all democrats from voting ever again. But I don’t think that’s ever going to happen either.
It’s WOMEN who lead the pro-life movement and WOMEN fighting for women’s spaces and fighting against male abuse/violence/exploitation. It’s WOMEN fighting for our children in all topics. WOMEN showing up at school board meetings as mama bears.
It was MEN who passed Roe V Wade and male majority assemblies passing anti-women laws. It’s MEN invading our spaces. Etc. Will they be excluded from voting, too?
Regarding the abortion issue, please use your male voice to support my policy package proposals instead:
About men invading your spaces - I agree they shouldn’t - but it’s ironic as hell to hear women complain about men invading their spaces when women have been invading mens spaces for the last 100 years! From suffrage to entering the workforce etc.
Also, the males that put Roe vs Wade in place are long gone and it was a modern MALE majority that overturned it.
Western women are trending left and in favor of murdering their children and expanding big daddy gov - while men are trending right and waking up to the psychopathy of modern leftist dogma.
That’s not to say a large portion of FEMANIZED men don’t exist, because they do - they are the ones invading your spaces, not MEN . FEMININE men are your issue and they are a tiny % compared to the number of leftist women.
I would remove feminine men’s right to vote as well if possible…
Statement 1: While I agree that welfare did have a negative effect on the family, I disagree it was women that caused the issue. The Social Security Act (1935), Food Stamp Program (1964), Medicaid and Medicare (1965) are the laws that started the US welfare program. In 1935, there were 8 women in Congress. In 1964, there were 14 women in Congress. 1965 was a split Congress year so there were 14 women in the 88th Congress and 13 in the 89th Congress. Your assessment that it was feminism that caused the issue is not correct as it was mainly men in all 3 Congresses and of course the President signing the bills was male. No Congress since has been predominantly female. We did not even have 100 females in Congress until the 113th Congress (2013-2015). History of Women in the U.S. Congress
Statement 2: You seem to be thinking all women are the same. How many women did you survey to come to your conclusions? I am female and disagree with your assessment.
Statement 4: How a man leads is up to him, it has nothing to do with women. All one needs to do is look at Ron DeSantis, Trump, and Robert F Kennedy, Jr to see that there are strong men still around. If men were concerned about feminism, why did men not fight back?
Statement 5: Not all women support abortion or LGBTQ+ issues.
Statement 6: By excluding half the population, you are losing many good ideas. Having just men in charge often leads to wars rather than peace, so you would lose the family structure due to men being at war and possibly dying.
I strongly disagree. I believe that banning any subgroup from participation in public life is not a good idea. I do not consider the factors that you have described (very well by the way, my compliments about your clarity and prose!) to have followed inevitably from women’s participation in public life. I believe that it’s the nudging and the coopting and the choice of strategies that are the problem and those are not sex-linked at all.
I submit that you may have unwittingly expanded feminist to mean woman. I entreat you to consider what a loss it would be if some excellent women were excluded from public life.
I cannot agree to lumping ALL women into these categories. Some of us actually have the ability to think for ourselves, do not allow emotions to drive us, are not backing abortion as health care or want bigger government. Some of us have stable households, a father in the home, a good moral compass and work together as a couple, to improve our way of life and that of our children. I agree that there are a lot of irrational people out there, but throwing stable women to the curb with the irrational simply does not make sense. And what about the fact that there is an over abundance of irrational men in the world today. How do you propose to handle that?