Ban the use of glyphosate in our food supply

Ban the spraying of glyphosate on all crops and food supply. It is a known CARCINOGEN. There are many lawsuits against Monsantos Roundup product. Glyphosate is the generic name for Roundup. The spraying of Roundup has been determined to cause cancer. It should, in no way, be sprayed on any crops which are meant for human or animal consumption. Glyphosate is being found now in human blood, tissue, breastmilk and everywhere in the environment; air, water, soil.

This dangerous use of known CARCINOGEN is reckless, evil and needs to be STOPPED!


Glyphosate is NOT a known carcinogen. As a matter of fact, MANY studies in the decades it has been used globally have tried to determine a cancer link but have been unable. Only 1 organization, the IARC, labels it a POSSIBLE carcinogen in the same category as “shift work”. The IARC members in that particular committee included several with connections to glyphosate trials and they purposely omitted a large study showing zero link between glyphosate and non-Hodgkins lymphoma those trials hinge on.

There is ZERO reason to ban glyphosate and it would be catastrophic to the farming and food system to do so. Farmers would stage a massive protest if that was even suggested seriously.


I do not agree! There is numerous documentation that categorically states glyphosate is poison and cases from Californian courts won against Monsanto, just ask the worms, bugs, fungus, plants, and the general biodiversity of the soils where this poison is being sprayed every year. The harvested crops are proving to be nutrient void for a simple reason that the biodiversity has been destroyed removing the soils nutrient availability to the target plants roots limiting the micronutrients, minerals and vitamins uptake. Because of the glyphosate which is spliced into the target crops DNA, it is resistant to the poison broadcasted spray but, all else is wiped out.
Concern for the replacement of these crops, had to happen sooner rather than later and yes there is new agriculture technology on the horizon, not only for Americans, but also to replace the food aid distribution chain nightmare of feeding the hungry.


There are plenty of reasons to ban Glyphosate. Here are a few to check out:

[1]: Zhang, L., Rana, I., Shaffer, R. M., Taioli, E., & Sheppard, L. (2019). Exposure to glyphosate-based herbicides and risk for non-Hodgkin lymphoma: A meta-analysis and supporting evidence. Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation Research, 781, 186–206.

[2]: Kwiatkowska, M., Huras, B., & Bukowska, B. (2020). Glyphosate and its formulations—toxicity, occupational and environmental exposure. Environmental Pollution, 261, 114–147.

[3]: International Agency for Research on Cancer. (2015). IARC Monographs Volume 112: evaluation of five organophosphate insecticides and herbicides.

[4]: Bellon, T. (2020). Bayer reaches over $10 billion settlement in Roundup cancer lawsuits. Reuters.

[5]: Gillam, C. (2018). Monsanto emails show employees wanted to ‘beat the s***’ out of concerned scientist. The Guardian.


None of your links are valid reasons. I need actual scientific proof it’s harmful, not the results of science-illiterate juries awarding large judgements based on feels. There is simply zero evidence showing glyphosate causes cancer. That’s why so many lawsuits are being overturned by judges actually looking at the evidence presented and determining it doesn’t prove anything

For example. Here’s a meta analysis of available glyphosate studies concluding NO link to NHL:

Btw- the first meta analysis you cite only looked at the results of subjects in studies exposed to HIGH levels of glyphosate, not typical levels. So not even a realistic situation

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Nothing you said there is factually correct in any way. It’s ridiculous nonsense to anyone who knows anything on this subject. I’m sorry and angry people have convinced you to believe this crap.

Why would they protest? Greed? They can learn new ways that are not harmful to their fellow human beings. I come from a farm family and I only ever saw suffering come from use of these chemicals. The problem is that you need a plan in place ready to demonstrate the alternative options before you ban it so the farmers can deal with the fact that they are always on a time table for the entire prep to harvest process.

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At the very least, gratuitously spraying glyphosate on wheat and oats to dry them before harvest should not be allowed. This should be less controversial, and could be a first significant step.


How about we take it a step further and educate people on why they shouldn’t use glyphosate on their backyard dandelions also. Then they let their kids run around the yard right after. And then, it seeps into our groundwater.

There is actually data to indicate that glyphosate messes with gut health

I agree that doesn’t necessarily mean anything, but it should be further studied - there’s no data indicating that the affected gut health is not detrimental

How long have you worked for Monsanto?

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Why is it other people can try to ban a vital farming tool without evidence but if I try to push back with real information about why it’s so vital and how activists have told lies about it, that automatically makes me a paid shill? Should I accuse all of you of being paid by big organic? I know people are cynical of everything nowadays but what will it take to convince you that a product that had been used by most farmers for DECADES and studied a million times by people who would LOVE to prove it bad but can’t, really is the best-working, least toxic herbicide farmers have and banning it just forces them to use a more toxic one they have to apply more often?

I don’t object to studying glyphosate. People who desperately want to ban it for various reasons have been relentless through decades to find a reason and just can’t. But farmers have to keep using it in the meantime bc there’s nothing to replace it that isn’t WAY more toxic, even when used correctly. Weeds compete with the plants we want to grow and win if they aren’t dealt with. That’s why they are weeds.

Very few farmers use glyphosate on wheat. It’s only when it happens to be too humid outside where the harvested wheat is and the wheat might get moldy. There’s a short window to harvest wheat and if mold gets in the entire harvest is lost and the farmer is devastated. No farmer gratuitously spends money to apply something to wheat. Their margins are too tight to spend money unnecessarily

Formulations using RoundUp are known to disrupt the human endocrine system. The formulants, not the glyphosate, are the main toxic components. However, these seem to go along with glyphosate. Need to ban until we ensure the entire chemical is safe for humans and long-term.

Defarge et al. [18] found that formulants, not glyphosate, were the main causes of the toxic and endocrine-disruptive effects of the 14 glyphosate-based pesticides they studied.

@francineok @iBringBalance @Trump

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There is this one as well, on rats, about liver inflammatory effects.

It’s certainly not settled & somewhat shocking that that it hasn’t been more deeply researched before being approved


This would be such a monumental win for the plants, insects, animals and humans if we could ban glyphosate in our whole country!

And especially that we now have multiple alternatives using concentrated white vinegar in industrial amounts… but am part of a small Coaliton for the Land in Mercer County NJ and we are providing samples of nontoxic herbicides for our county park manager to try out this spring and if he feels one is effective and affordable he is willing to go to the board and switch over and end the use of glyphosate in all the parks and running/ biking trails.

When the studies are paid for and conducted by the industries who profit from the results, the results cannot be trusted. Courts have ruled countless times, given hours and hours, and thousands of pages of undisclosed scientific documents, that it absolutely is carcinogenic. Whole countries have banned it and grow everything organically. We have been propagandized by corporate industry to believe otherwise.

You are right, money makes people go crazy saying stupid things.
So our friend is on the payroll. Well, it doesn’t change the facts about glyphosate being poison. That is why they use it to kill the weeds and anything else threatening the crop. So, yes we do need to devise another way of taking care of weeds. First of all, there was never a problem with weeds, until the Green Revolution decided they needed a way to increase profits, and this they decided was best done by reducing their costs to grow the food, originally for humanitarian aid. Hence, huge funds were made
possible for these Big Ag farmers by guess who, yes the corrupt congress in the 1960s, when this plan was put into play. The same Big Ag farmers are still receiving these huge funds under the Farm Bill nothing to do with humanitarian aid. But the crops they are growing now, 80% are used for feedlot farms including chicken, eggs production, pork, beef, and fish, to raise that very beef steak you are eating without being told that it is laced with glyphosate an overlooked issue by the FDA. They tried to support Monsanto in their lawsuits, that there is no problem with eating glyphosate proven by the fact the feedlot meats are not labeled with any warnings. Oh, your favorite chicken and eggs and pork are all fed corn starch and soybean oil because these are high in protein, and of course, especially laced with glyphosate.
Anyway the solution, these fields need to rest, call it a sabbath for the land, because they are suffering from the poison spray used over and over. The funds from these Big Ag farmers need to be redirected towards the Agrarian family farmers who work and grow with nature. The vast area of land first, have to be healed of the poison and nature can do that over time. The chemical fertilizer does not help either because it is nutrient void only NPK nothing else because the biodiversity has been destroyed. Biodiversity is the worms, plants, and micronutrients from organisms and the big one is mycelium which is the food highway for all plants. Mycelium is a fungus and the glyphosate kills it however, it has a network stretching for miles underground and it will repair itself by attending to those sections of ground that have been poisoned. Once the mycelium is restored, plants grown, or growing in the repaired ground will begin to link back up to the mycelium and continue their God-gifted design to receive nutrients from the mycelium even if the nutrients needed by the plants are miles away. The lands that were raped of their nutrients can be healed by planting nitrogen-fixing legumes and putting these lands back into pasture just as they once were. The pastures can then grow cattle and sheep and more just like the old days of ranching.
Those cattle and animals will be grass-fed valuable and healthy food, just like we all used to eat before the madness created by greed stepped in. This is getting too long so cut to the chase, the Agrarian farmers with the same resources of funding just like the Big Ag can develop the new trends in ‘precision agriculture’ where farmers use the land far more wisely embracing new agriculture technology moving away from monoculture farming to multi-culture farming eliminating waste by repurposing it into beneficial uses. My friends the new technology is almost here!