Ban the Rollout of Roundup (and all glyphosate-based pesticides) on American foods

Roundup is a known toxin to humans. Scientific studies have demonstrated this. I propose to immediately ban the use of Roundup on all foods grown in America and develop requirements for any other chemical sprays on foods to ensure non-toxicity to humans.

" Defarge et al. [18] found that formulants, not glyphosate, were the main causes of the toxic and endocrine-disruptive effects of the 14 glyphosate-based pesticides they studied.
The toxicity of nine pesticide formulations including one based on glyphosate was studied by Mesnage et al. [19]. Roundup proved to be 125 times more toxic than glyphosate. This result should be of concern to regulators, as it casts doubt on the relevance of the concept of the acceptable daily intake (ADI) for Roundup. The ADI is based on tests that feed animals various foods containing the active principal of a herbicide, but not the whole formulation. The study concludes that the present ADI, which is 0.3 ppm, should perhaps be 3 ppb.
The author declares no conflict of interest."

Shouldnā€™t even animal studies alone without human studies to contradict them prove sufficient to pause the Rollout of Roundup?
" There is a large bank of knowledge on glyphosate exposure in animal models. These studies have shown that glyphosate administered at the ADI that EFSA has determined safe (0.5 mg/kg BW/day) can cause harm. This was seen by SĆ©ralini et al.Citation120 who observed kidney and liver dysfunction in rats following exposure to glyphosate below the ADI. However, it is unknown how these studies would translate to humans."

The EU has stopped the Rollout of Roundup
ā€œEFSA has announced that glyphosate will not be authorized for use in the EU after December of 2023. Nonetheless, associations between glyphosate levels in humans and gut microbiome signatures should be definedā€

Personal experience of many Americans corresponds to the fact that Roundup kills components of plants that we need for our microbiome. I have known many people who used to eat corn with no problem, and now they cannot digest corn. The kernels end up in their human waste dung unprocessed.

We must stop experimenting on 300M+ Americans until food pesticides are demonstrated to be safe!


Ty for posting this policy suggestionā€¦

This would be such a monumental win for the plants, insects, animals and humans if we could ban glyphosate in our whole country!

And especially that we now have multiple alternatives using concentrated white vinegar in industrial amountsā€¦ but am part of a small Coaliton for the Land in Mercer County NJ and we are providing samples of nontoxic herbicides for our county park manager to try out this spring and if he feels one is effective and affordable he is willing to go to the board and switch over and end the use of glyphosate in all the parks and running/ biking trailsā€¦ then next we will work with the schools to keep it off their playgrounds and sidewalks!


Yup, i wanted to post the same. I am a natural medicine practitioner and so many of my patients suffer the result of roundup. Its shortening lives in America!!!


I think this is the post for policy suggestion?

i am convinced that my wheat allergies are not allergies to wheat but a reaction to the pesticides and to roundup ā€¦ i recently bought flour from Italy and France and will see how i react or do not react to it


While I agree with this policy We should take it a step further.

Send BAYER, Inc back to Germany with the drugs they produce to cure the cancers Round Up creates. Thatā€™s why they purchased Mondsanto! Then allow President Trump to put 500% tarrifs on anything Bayer tries to sell into the USA .