Ban the NFA

The NFA regulates the ownership and use of suppressors for firearms. The issue that this causes is it is no longer cost effective to own these items which significantly reduce noise pollution cause by the discharge of a firearm. This effects the ability to safely teach gun control where students can hear all instructions as well as frightens game animals and over all disrupts nature. Suppressors should be an affordable and in many cases a mandatory fixture for hunting and other shooting sports. Abolishing the NFA would be a great step in the right direction.


I completely agree, the NFA needs to be abolished entirely. The 2nd amendment of the constitution was very clear… " A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, *the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." The NFA is just that, an infringement on our rights as citizens to keep and bear arms.

The NFA is a monster of a regulation that needs to be repealed it is outdated and unconstitutional to begin with.
You only talk about the very small portion of it that regulates suppressors which are defined as guns and to me that seems at the very least ridiculous.
If that were true then we would have guns on each one of our vehicles as they are simply mufflers, a safety device to put it simply.
Yhe rest of the NFA is also not suited to the Constitution or even the current test that has been set in precedent in recent court decisions such as Heller the decision based on text and history.
Items such as suppressors S B R’s SBS and other items outlined in the NFA are in common use today and are not highly dangerous and if that were even true that is not a test for regulating a constitutional right freedom itself is dangerous