Ban porn

Banning porn could actually make a huge difference in fighting some real, deep-rooted issues—especially when it comes to human trafficking and exploitation. A lot of people don’t realize that behind a lot of those videos, there are people who didn’t choose to be there. Traffickers prey on vulnerable people, sometimes minors, forcing or tricking them into making explicit content. For a lot of them, it’s not just “acting”; they’re living in a nightmare, controlled and manipulated, sometimes with no way out.

Cutting down the demand for porn could help disrupt these exploitative cycles. It would make it a lot harder for traffickers to keep profiting from others’ suffering. And it’s not just a few cases—there’s a whole underground network that thrives off this. Banning porn wouldn’t solve everything, but it could be a step toward protecting people from this modern-day slavery and breaking some of these chains for good.


Top priority
I support a TOTAL BAN.
but if that is not possible at least ban it from the internet so the curious 13 year olds are protected.


I’m so glad you’re talking about this, I created a similar proposal, and I could not agree more. We need to get rid of pornography

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i’m sorry but how is 2 consenting adults engaging in an online sexual moment or me posting pictures and videos of myself online on a site where only other consenting adults can view it contributing to human trafficking? I know for a fact that a large part of my job definitely helps a lot of the men i talk to not hurt children and other people by playing out their fantasies in a make believe, controlled, consenting, and safe environment. I hear a lot sick and deranged things in my line of work, however, I rest easy that it was pretend play with an adult and not brought into actuality with another unsuspecting person or child. out right banning porn is not the solution, I can promise you that.