Ban Plastic Bags

The microplastics in our environment is insane. I remember when I first saw the ubiquitous ‘plastic bag’ used to hold produce, etc. It was in the early 80s in Southhold NY, and I remember thinking this would not end well. And indeed it hasn’t. Bulk foods are great for co-op goers like me, and we bring our cloth bags. But the masses who shop at big box and chain grocery stores use them a lot. Let’s eliminate these plastic bags. It’s more work, but so what? Or just use cloth bags with no interior plastic bags for your celery, etc. It’s not that hard. It’s a mindset change.

It’s not just more work, it’s also more cost.

How is it more cost? I’ve shopped exclusively at coops since the 70s and bring all my own cloth bags of various sizes, and the coops offer small paper bags if you don’t have your own cloth bags. It is more work, but people so what is right. Think ahead, be prepared. It is not that hard.

Among other things, I’m presuming then that you’re not among the people who has ever taken a plastic shopping bag and then turned around and used it as a garbage bag.