Ban Gotion in North America

I live in a community in northern IL that had Gotion, a Chinese Communist Party affiliate jammed down our throats by public officials who actually signed NDAs prior to releasing the information to constituents, but also to unknowing county board members who were lied to about the intent of the deal. This is just plain sad that an elected official would agree to NOT DISCLOSE information about something so potentially damaging to the residents and community at large. How can this action not be illegal, on many levels. The lies and deception should be reason enough for ouster from office and a permanent ban from politics period. Our Governor was also complicit on this deal. I wonder if he signed an NDA to Deny important information from his constituents.
This is reprehensible behavior by elected officials after taking an oath of office to protect the people that voted them in. We need your help and fast to stop this atrocity now!


Hi Tom! This is Amanda! Thank you so much for sharing our story. It is so important to spread this anyway we can!


Us fighting Gotion is crazy. It should never have gotten out of Washington. Please send them back with all their harmful chemicals.


I wonder if this should be more generalized to China, Gotion and all groups with ties to the CCP…


Great idea. Not only permanently ban the Chinese from buying land in this country, but take back all the properties they currently do own as well. We cannot buy land in China, so full reciprecation is warranted.