Ban all seed oils-ex: BABY FORMULA

As a mom with two under two who wasn’t able to breast feed over 6 months long- we needed to switch to formula: I knew It was super important to give my babies THE BEST formula out there… we use Kendamil Goat Formula… we used it and people gave me so much flack because of it because enfamil and similar are the main “ones” and we should use those… we refused and our babies are SO HEALTHY; However, it comes from Europe- where it’s $45 a can. When we were in Ireland is was $22 USD. Americans should have QUALITY/HIGH STANDARD baby formula without the high fructose syrup, sucralose, and seed oils- this goes for baby food which most contain high amounts of lead. How are we supposed to trust the FDA when they target our poor babies the most. This needs to be a priority and I bet lots of issues with babies will decrease. Let’s make the best kind of formula IN THE US and make it more affordable for families instead of importing it and having big corps jack up prices and profit from it… we NEED healthy babies!!!


Yes, amen


My girl who’s 5 months now, and currently expecting again we will always use the plant based. We had so many issues with the “common brands” we went through 3 or 4 and as soon as we switched to this all vegan plant based formula, we’ve had absolutely no issues!! I’ll forever use plant based, or honestly just goats milk formula for the rest of time.


And metals.

Buy baby formula, put it in a ziplock and run a magnet through it to a corner.

Then, tell me how that’s not intentional.



It makes me feel good that I struggled through and was persistent in all those discussions I had with my wife about exclusively using breastmilk. Our son is so strong and vivacious.


Breast is best! Make breast feeling normal again. If this option isn’t available we definitely should provide a safe alternatives for those babies. Second best would be purchasing breast milk from another mother. This is expensive and very hard to come by. You can purchase almost anything on the internet but breast milk is risky. There is no way to know what the mother consumed that would provide traces in the milk. Plastic particles are in breast milk because of the plastic packaging that is used for all of our foods. We need to make babies healthy again.

  • Give nursing mothers incentive to do so
  • Make glass packaging normal again
  • Create an agency to track & evaluate breast milk from other lactating women

Creating healthy babies create a system of healthy children and adults. This would mean less money for big pharma.


Good suggestion. I would add nutritional supplements such as Ensure. When my elderly mother was recovering from surgery, she was taking additional calories through these liquid supplements, but they are full of oil and sugar. Surely we can do better for the most vulnerable among us.


I totally Get your point of view but there are lots of moms who either don’t want to which is okay.- OR it’s overall super stressful. Most women do it all…. Even when married… their husbands don’t help wash bottles, the wake-up’s, the diaper changes, etc… and MOST women have to work to help pay bills because everything is so expensive. Breastfeeding is exhausting and time consuming and if women who work are up all night with baby and then have to pump or breastfeed after- Its stressful- which impacts milk supply. Some women simply don’t want to and that’s okay!!! Every woman with a baby SHOULD have the ability to have access to the best formula. Lots of women that have WIC or other assistance don’t have access to some of the best formulas. FED in my humble opinion is BEST. We don’t live in a world where formula doesn’t exist. Personally I would accept donor milk if I could Trust that the mother wasn’t consuming anything harmful…
Or if you spent a lot of money on donor milk to have your baby end up allergic to the protein in it…
All I’m saying if you want to really change the game for lots of mothers- MAKE it possible for men to have more than 6 weeks off. Let men make more money but cutting out taxes… so that is allows more moms to either stay at home or have the choice to work part time-full time if they wanted too. These days women are almost forced to work or do certain things they normally wouldn’t do for money just to help provide for their family.

As a stay at home mom myself I was BLESSED to have an amazing husband who helped me with everything… and I was Still stressed. He ended up needing oral ties and then the constant need and not eating long enough I switched to pumping and bottle feeding… and it worked great and then after a while I could Barley get an ounce… with a hungry baby we had to supplement. Formula was cheaper (but still expensive) than donor milk.

So I respectfully understand where you are coming from but formula allows mothers to drop off their kids at daycare while they are off working making it easier on the daycare- sometimes daycares end up wasting breast milk or not feeding their babies the correct amounts.
So formula is an absolute need and Americans need to have access to the best high quality ingredient formula (MADE IN THE US) and doesn’t cost two arms and a leg and all us mothers don’t have to stress when there’s a shortage.


I agree that working mothers have a terrible burden. It probably helped convincing my wife that she should provide only breast milk because A she was lactating properly, and B I promise to take care of all expenses so she didn’t need to work. It’s my good fortune and great honor to be able to provide, and I am super grateful. Everything that’s really worth doing requires taking on responsibility and suffering hardships. And it’s really worth doing because the greatest sense of satisfaction and sincere happiness are at the accomplishment of some goal hard won.

I AGREE 100 Percent.

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This is such a great topic, we need more things like this brought to light


At least have a public service campaign. Let’s start by printing flyers and sharing with everyone. Feel free to use this flyer to illustrate the insane poison potential of high omega 6 oils–not fit for human consumption! Amazing illustrations and graphs.
Spread the word, save the health of a life!