Ban all seed oils in america

Seed oils have caused HAVOC in the American People’s diet. From unnecessary fat to behavioral issues to childhood obesety more, it is NOT needed.

Most foods that have additives that are BANNED in other countries are allowed in our food and it’s abhorrent.

Our foods should consist of ONE ingredient foods. Imagine going to McDonalds if needed in a pinch and knowing for a fact that you’ll be receiving FRESH grass fed beef, organic tomatoes and onions, REAL fresh made bread and more. Imagine what grocery stores would look like with all seed oil junk GONE! Americans are most likely unaware of what is in their food too. We need to help people fix their gut.

These seed oils used to be used as LUBRICANT during the war and now we’re ingesting it! It’s sad this needs to be proposed as a policy.



Most seed oils are unhealthy yes and I avoid them like the plague but they are cheap and people willingly consume things bad for them anyway. Ban oil refining and deorderizing and I think the problem will take care of itself.

Last I checked, coconut and cocoa are seeds oils as well.

Check this out!


Also, if a company says they’re selling avocado or olive oil but it’s really made up of partial seed oils, fine them, report them, and put them out of business!


Not all oils are consumed. I make handmade soap and use olive oil in my soap recipe.

Which ones? Olive and coconut should still be allowed. Not sure about grape seed. Baning the really bad ones would be good but leave us the better vegetable oils.