Balanced Budget Constitutional Amendment

A balanced budget constitutional amendment for the United States could enforce fiscal responsibility by limiting government spending to match revenue, reducing the risk of accumulating unsustainable debt. Without such an amendment, the federal government often relies on deficit spending, leading to a national debt that can burden future generations with high interest payments and limit funds available for essential services. For example, during economic booms, an enforced balanced budget could prevent excessive spending by requiring that surpluses be saved or used to pay down debt rather than creating new programs or subsidies that may not be sustainable. This measure would help ensure long-term economic stability, discourage politically motivated spending, and promote a more disciplined, accountable government.


I would tie Congressional pay to the balancing of the budget. If the budget isn’t balanced, Congressional pay is frozen


No federal money to foriegne entities/countries until American needs are met.


There should be Balanced budget legislation and at some point, a Balanced Budget Ammendment. Missouri has such an ammendment.
Named the Hancock Ammendment. It forces government, by law, to live within their means.


Absolutely required if we are to heal this country. How many things have you been required to reprioritize because of limited resources. It is the same for business, churches, community organizations, literally every structure we have except our government! It would not be without pain, initially but there is greatness in the potential!

Yes. 49 of 50 states have a constitutional balanced budget requirement (Vermont is the only state that does not have some form of a balanced budget requirement for its operating budget), and yet our Fed Gov does not. That has to change or our Congress will bankrupt the nation. Keep it short, simple, and give it teeth: “The federal budget shall be balanced or have a surplus, else all of Congress and the Executive branch shall not be paid.”

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No member of congress may run for reelection unless the budget is balanced.

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Glad someone already posted this. Agree 100%.

The government needs to be run like businesses and households- DON’T SPEND MORE THAN YOU MAKE-PERIOD.

If the budget is not balanced, they are immediately ineligible for re-election or to run for another office.

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One component of the DoD budget creation and execution process that MUST be immediately reformed in order to achieve and sustain a balanced budget is eliminating the previous year spending caps. Simply explained; if you estimated a base budget of $1 million dollars in FY24 however, your organization found significant savings, and only spent $700,000, the next FY base budget would be set at a reduced rate due to under execution of funds. This results in departments over inflating their base line budget and discourages departments from consistently seeking opportunities for savings.

Balanced Budget Amendment is fundamental common sense and absolutely required to pull us out of this hole