Trump needs a specific plan to balance the budget by 2026 and start paying down our $35 Trillion debt by 2028.
We will pay $892 Billion in interest payments in 2024. Half of this is going to foriegn countries and individuals. Including China who we pay $74 Million per day!
If this trend continues, by 2034 it is estimated that interest payments on our debt could consume half of all tax “revenue” in our country.
We either cut government spending massively now, or it will collapse under its own weight and take our economy down with it in a few short years.
One way to help pay off the interest is all government employees lose the ability to get royalties from any product developed by them and sold to public companies. The funds should be paid to the US government and used to pay the debt down.
Most non-government companies and colleges do not allow the employee to get payments for any product the person develops as it goes to the company that the person is employed by, so it should be no different for government employees.