Ideas for Elon: How to cut $2 Trillion in federal expenses DOGE

Post your ideas here on how and where to cut. Think big, think fast.

“The excess government spending is what causes inflation! ALL government spending is taxation. This is a very important concept to appreciate. It is either direct taxation, like income tax, or indirect via inflation due to increasing the money supply.”
Elon Musk

Thanks Elon!

Before & After:


We need to quit sending $ to foreign countries like Ukraine and China and bailing out other countries. I feel they are draining America dry. We need to help our own people first. I don’t see anyone helping America and sending us $.

I also feel if we could cap corporations from profiting ( price gouging)on food and essentials that we need to survive on it would help us.
We all know these illegal migrants are costing a fortune we should not be helping them. We need to help our own citizens, homeless people, elders and most of all our Veterans.

We love you Elon and I am confident you will get us back on the right track🇺🇸 thank you for helping us and this beautiful country we live in!


I believe the only reason we were involved in this silly Ukraine-Russia “shadow war” is because Ukraine has something on the previous administration, or that Hunter was on the board of directors in a Ukrainian oil company. So, I’m against sending my money to Ukraine and China.

I am also in favor of removing illegal immigrants.

However, price controls may not be the best idea. Have you seen what happened in the Soviet Union?


Cut back on “studies”.

Much federal funding is spent on “studies” to determine how the money will be spent. Studies and administrative costs eat up a lot of money that could be put to practical use solving actual problems.

For any entity seeking federal funding, consider restricting the percentage that can be spent on studies and administrative costs. If a source is requesting federal funding they should already know what it is needed for and how it will be spent. If studies are needed, they can be done through private sector, Universities, etc.


Also, the studies should be relavant to the betterment of US citizens lives and not fruitless nonsense studies like the sexual activities of birds in another country after being injected cocaine. Why do we need to know this???


I understand that when a new occupant up on the hill comes in, they are given thousands of dollars to re-decorate their office. That really has to go please.


If I could like this 1 million times I would!

Turn all department of education functions over to the states.

Also most American workers don’t have a pension. No more federal pensions (I would exclude the military these families sacrifice so much out of respect ,admiration and gratitude for what they do)

If the feds provide funding for public broadcasting that needs to stop.


Definitely the right direction. School district bureaucracy is the primary money pit. Taxpayers are funding $18,000 /yr per pupil on administration.


Ukraine was the country the blackops used as staging for operations and hiding operational money. The US also had over a dozen bioweapons labs in the country similar to Wuhan.


The State education bureaucracy is inundated with administrators and positions that add no value but increased costs and bureaucracy. This too must be cleaned up. I admin assistance one principal at schools. Student counselors for high school only.
Proper curriculum approved by the parents, such as content and subjects.
Place students in classrooms based on their learning abilities, introduce trade programs for 10, 11, 12 grades, Not all students are made to go to college.
Eliminate all extra curriculum programs that are paid by tax dollars. If students want extra curriculum it should be funded by the students and parents that want after school hrs.


MICRO BILLS! Congressional bills are thousands of pages long and filled with pork. Bills should be short and sweet (no more than twenty pages, for example), be for one item only, easy to understand and limited to a certain dollar amount. Need more? Craft ten different bills for one thing each and demonstrate why they are needed. Trump should instruct that he won’t sign any bills that don’t meet these criteria. Further, they should be posted on several sites as well as X for citizens to read and discuss. Finally, they should be backed up with receipts and measured with metrics that will determine success or failure, and be done away with if they fail.


80,000 IRS agents x $100,000 per year = $8 billion per year


Incentivize illegals to self deport. Determine the average cost to arrest, house and transport a non-citizen and offer 25% of that amount in cash plus an I Love the USA t-shirt, at the border, to anyone who leaves on their own accord. Saves 75% of the cost to deport and reduces the cost of them staying and burden on infrastructure.


Outlaw all foreign money in US elections for any position. This is to include NGO’s, Non-Profits, PACs and more. Removing all foreign money from elections will reduce US politicians from laundering money through tax dollars to foreign countries. Only allowing political donations to any politician or party to legal citizens who live in, own property or a business in that politicians district would greatly remove outside influence.


Overhaul, IRS. Every person pays payroll tax or employee tax. IRS is for those that are on 1099 only. This should reduce and cut unnecessary government payroll and harassment.


I agree with Elon proposal all the way Besides from cutting regulations/ downsizing agencies/reduction of agencies/DJT’s policies like end endless wars, stop giving money to other countries, secure borders (stop pouring illegal hence stopping the illegal welfare, stopping drugs or other smuggled special people on economics materials that are suppose to have sales tax hence stopping unpaid sales tax,) overall DOGE DJT admin combo it’s on the right direction to Cut $2 trillion easily but here’s some ideas:

1. Bring back bank independence going bank: eliminate the fed central bank system which fed bank gave them power to print money that will lead higher debt for our nation by cutting it off the government can budget on what they actually have rather than printing resulting endless inflation.
Alternatives for fed bank systems are :
A. Going back to gold and silver standard
B. Backed by Commodities including all metals like gold and silver
C. Implementing crypto solutions like introducing National crypto currencies and encouraging decentralized finance
D. We all do A,B,C
2. Fully automated government agencies : sounds difficult but we have the capabilities already and solutions. For example we can significantly reduce the maintenance cost of our military if they can just print out parts which they did and showed that it is cheaper rather hiring agencies by big contractor companies which would cost more for same part at the same they charge way more for their labor fee (yes military industrial complex). A good example also is Wyoming which pretty much have automated processing for their documents still improving but heading to the right direction.
3. Free market economy polices: if we are going to reduce government at minimal. It would work best if we embrace free market economy system. With DJT admin plans we will eliminate federal income taxes through consumption tax base models eventually and free market policies through revenue through Economic Growth.
4. Make a transparency and accountability bill for all agencies to proved a full independent audit report quarterly or yearly for the people to see. A public corporation can do it why not for the government agencies.
5. Make DOGE an actual permanent agencyso we will remain Efficient we don’t want just a term of efficiency. We need it practically forever.


Eliminate DHS, Department of Homeland Security, which was heavily involved in censorship. Stop spending money on things that harm us such as Gain of Function Research, insects for food, fake meat, putting google tags on cows, PCR tests that aren’t accurate and were used as a fake justification for increasing the number of cases during covid (the Post Office of all places has a voice message about ordering your free PCR tests, rediculous).

Get rid of “RealID”, Vaccine Passport, and any other means of digital ID. Eliminate the CIA, Board of Education, Bureau of Land Mangement (BLM) returning land to the states putting a stop to the Federal Land Grab.

Government agencies in general are probably bloated and could use some serious downsizing. Agencies must be responsive, accountable and serve the American People efficiently. It used to be you could call Social Security and a Person would quickly answer the phone, now you have to traverse a maze of automatic crap and if you are lucky, you get to wait forever to talk to a person. This is NOT good service.

Regulations are too numerous and complicated. Simply and delete or delete and start over.

Get insurance companies out of health care. They increase the cost and have no business denying health care. Doctors oversee healthcare, NOT insurance companies.


Figure out how to stop overpaying for missiles, bombs, and military equipment. DoD budget is bloated and yet we have a smaller Navy than China. Reduce costs of the US Postal Service.


We must stop funding Ukraine, and end the slick ways that elites within the goverment use tax payer money for their personal use.

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