Automotive Industry Passenger Vehicle Build Documentation Access

For all passenger vehicle makes and models older than 20 years, and in an effort to promote continual use and innovation of environmentally-friendly passenger vehicle technology while also providing an avenue of continual use by way of perpetual production of replacement parts, vehicle manufacturers who employ more than 1,000 people and produce more than 100 passenger vehicles per-year will provide to the general public (at no cost) all literature and documentation pertaining to the plans and processes responsible for the creation of the respective makes and models that meet said age criteria.


  • Encourage automotive industry competition and continual production of all make and model replacement parts.
  • Promote continual use and innovation of environmentally-friendly passenger vehicle technology for older makes and models.
  • Reduce costs for everyday American citizens.
  • Reduce (and or eliminate entirely) market control of personal transportation preferences.
  • Revisit patent and or trademark law to accommodate this exception.
  • Encourage a national automotive industry database to house byproduct on.

Core Ideas:

  • Allowing public consumption of build plan information promotes competition for anyone (individual and or business alike) who isn’t a multi-national, multi-billion dollar conglomerate in possession and control of trademark or patents that hold entire industries hostage, stifling innovation for years by flooding the market with “new” vehicles using regurgitated components and creating “market / innovation atrophy.”
  • Facilitating pathways for perpetual individual transportation, use and control thereof to supersede market control / constraints enables social and economic stability and cohesion while also providing the means for people who prefer to keep what they own, to keep owning and using what they have. (Nobody should be forced by the market to buy a newer vehicle if they like what they have.)
  • Providing free access to said build plans would enable all automotive repair and tuning shops to better incorporate environmentally-friendly technological upgrades for older vehicles that would otherwise be left behind that many people lack the financial assets to replace entirely. Said build plans would offer component-specific upgrades as a much more financially-viable alternative to replacing vehicles entirely.
  • This policy would incentivize the creation of a new national automotive industry database for said build plans to be stored on and accessed from.