Restrict automobile manufacturers from collecting phone, onstar and similar apps, application, mobile data, voice data , text data, occupant data, car function data, and similar data from being collected, used, distributed, without owners consent. Prohibit all collection including AI, usage and distibution to third parties without the vehicle owners consent.
Prohibit AI collection, distribution, marketing, usage without owners consent.
Prohibit all in vehicle marketing based on vehicle data, phone, apps, etc from pop ups in vehicle displays and technology
We need to stop air pollution and noise pollution all coming from engines.
Not sure what that has to do with the technology post
There shouldn’t be any personal data collected by any auto maker, period.
The vehicle’s ECU (engine control unit) has all the information any tech/mechanic needs to do repairs, anything else is absolutely Unnecessary.
But they collect it, sell it to insurance companies, health care, marketing.
Aps like onstar can shut off you vehicle and open, etc. They know everything on speed, reckless dtivibg, what you say in vehicle, aps used, texts etc…
I have direct knowledge on what they are doing.
Exactly! that is why only the ECU should be in a vehicle no other ones, vehicles do have many other ones all connected to a CAN (Computer Architecture Network ) system and stored in the head unit (infotainment) … Again, only ECU and maybe ABS and Traction control to assist a driver but we can go down a rabbit hole on this too
anyway good post
I was going to respond with clarification but I wasn’t sure how to word it without sounding rude, therefore, I will just skip my response.
You should create a topic specific to auto pollution and what you want changed.
You will then get attention to your idea and others can contribute to your idea.
Mine is just technology specific.
in response to your post here is a contribution to vehicle’s emissions