Annual Selection of where my Taxes Go

Every November, tax payers will select which % of their tax submissions go to which government entity.
Context. Let’s assume that there are 10 areas of the governement that needs funding. Dept of Defense, DHS, Justice Department, etc.
Let’s assume that each of the 10 areas get 50% of their base funding. This 50% could go down 10% each year until all funding is allocated by taxpayers themselves.
The second 50% funding comes directly from the %’s allocated from all taxpayers.
As a taxpayer, I can allocate whatever I want for every $1 of taxes I pay.
Example. I could allocate 0% to the Justice Dept, 80% to Dept of Defense and the final 20% to DHS. 0% to the Dept of Education, 0% to the FBI, etc.
The result: this would force each area of the government to be much more focused on the needs of the people and to ensure full transparency into where the taxpayer funds are spent. Each department would need to market themselves to taxpayers needs.


@Nuttlto1, agreed! There is a similar idea here with more votes: Each taxpayer decides what agency gets their tax dollars