ALL animal testing should be banned throughout the United States, its territories and its international interests, to include any study conducted in any country that is funded by the US. Animal testing is wholly unnecessary, medieval and ineffective, not to mention morally and ethically abhorrent. BAN ALL ANIMAL TESTING FOR ANY REASON.
Completely investigate the ways in which animals in our food production, processing and distribution industries are treated. Then, completely overhaul said industries to STOP all abuse and inhumane treatment of our food animals. Animals, no matter their status, breed, or genus MUST be treated with dignity, given MORE THAN “adequate” shelter, food, water, exercise, and medical care, and should be guaranteed the most humane method of slaughter possible. Animals should NOT be treated as a mere product while alive. The fact that they are conscious, sentient beings should be the main focus of these industries over and above profit margin. Expediency and profits should NEVER outweigh an animal’s well-being up to the very point of slaughter. It may sound like an oxymoron, but it is possible to raise and slaughter an animal in a humane manner. Not only will the animal benefit, but the quality of the food gained from such an animal will also be better, which in turn, will be healthier to consume.
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