Real Organic - Stop Corporations from corrupting the definition. Protect Farmers

Support farmers who practice real organic. Stop corporations from corrupting the definition.

Hydroponic is not organic. It should not be permitted under the organic certification or sold to consumers as if it is organic. There can be a separate category labeling products hydroponic for those who choose to purchase them. However, food that is grown as hydroponic should not be passed off under the label organic. Organic indicates that the health benefits of the ecosystem are being used to grow the food.

Confinement Dairy operations should not be organic. This must be removed from the certification. Cows should be pasture rasied.
Chickens and eggs should not be raised inside. The definition of pasture raised needs to be clearly defined to encompass truth not deception.
Animals should be in the environment they were created to be in naturally. This promotes health for the environment, for the animal and for people.

It is not organic if large corporations and lobbiests are permitted to change the definitions to meet their business models.

We need real organic grown with natural ecosystems.

Definitions of terminology should be available at grocery stores to ensure the public knows what they are buying.

Resource: Real Organic Difference - Real Organic Project


Yes! And things like ‘organic inverted sugar’. What the heck? If they’re somehow tinkered the molecules on organic sugar, it’s NOT organic anymore.

This is the same systemic problem through everything in the world these days: We know what we mean, they know what we mean, on all sorts of things, but they pretend to be confused or inept or that we have to be able to define things down to the tiniest degree, which of course makes more room to make loopholes.

By organic we mean not-poisoned, not tinkered with, no sprays , no apeel coatings, just food the way it comes out of the ground. Nothing done to it at all.

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