Americas First Citings - Cutting Road Accidents and Saving Lives

We have to many uncalled for road accidents everyday across America. These cause many deaths that should not of even happened. There needs to be higher penalties for the common sense laws and given to those who abuse these laws immediately. I am calling for $500 fines and 25 hours of community service hours for all law breakers for the following laws. These are laws that anyone who is driving should know is wrong but they do it anyhow and many times continue on doing it. Lessons need to be learned and anyone who thinks this is to stiff of a price to pay, then don’t be a law breaker.

These citings deserve to be ticketed on the first offense. You get stopped for any of the listed below then you get fined and community service.

  1. Speeding
  2. Agressive Driving
  3. Under the influence of anything.
  4. Distractive Driving
  5. (A) Improper Driving Equipment: No drivers liscense, expired drivers liscense, fake drivers liscense, no vehicle tags, expired vehicle tags, fake vehicle tags and no vehicle insurance.
    (B) No seat belt for the driver and or the passenger or passengers. Child in front seat that is underweight and should be in the back seat in a car seat. Child that is in the wrong size car seat in the back, a child car seat that is secured in improperly and or turned the wrong direction.

Most accidents are cause by drivers who obstruct traffic and drive at disruptive speeds, and distracted drivers. Speed is rarely a cause of accidents. By disruptive I mean to slow. Most fatalities are near exit and entrance ramps to limited access roads, because jackasses do not merge at appropriate speeds and it causes severe traffic disruption.

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