American Citizen Financial Reset

For decades the politicians and the elite have robbed the citizens on an almost predictable schedule. This has been done by stock market manipulation to collapse and steal middle America’s wealth by bankrupting their 401k’s and return it to the elites portfolio. It is time to right decades of wrongs.
I propose the American Citizen Debt Reset. This would remove the stolen funds from the stock market back to its rightful owners again.
We wouldxdo this by cancelling all credit card debt owned by American citizens. While this sounds radical it would punish the wrong doers for the decades of stock market manipulation and it would get American families out of the massive debt created by these happenings. Yes the credit markets would suffer in the short term but would soon recover as this would be a 1 time occurence that would return ethics, morals and responsibility to the financial industry. The financial corporations could be helped by a period of 5 years of tax savings for losses realized.