Alternative healthcare should be mandated in all states to be covered by insurance companies because it provides accessibility and freedom to choose your own healthcare provider

How many times have you been seen by a doctor for the same persisting health ailment and left with no answers, or prescribed medications with nerve-wracking side effects, only for those medications to work for a short amount of time, or be completely ineffective? This is the reality for many of us who have gone to the doctor.

I am a 23 year old woman. Earlier this year I consulted a holistic practitioner after dealing with severe anxiety, panic attacks, and digestive issues. Over the years I have been in and out of my traditional clinic setting only to be thrown medications for my mental health and was left with no answers about my digestive health. I visited a holistic practitioner as I was desperate. The first appointment she was able to pinpoint my digestive issues. I followed the regime set for me, along with my results from a food sensitivity test. My digestive issues disappeared, my mental health issues dissipated, I have more energy, no cravings, I am losing weight – I am becoming healthy.

If alternative routes of medicine were covered by insurance – myself, as a college student with a limited income – would visit a holistic doctor more often than not – and I believe others would as well. Since insurance companies do not cover alternative routes of healthcare, we become limited as to who we can pick as our providers.

A differing idea I have about this is to at least place a mandate that in the traditional medical setting alternative tests need to be used first and that they should be covered by insurance. There are so many tests that my holistic practitioner has access to that the traditional doctors do not use. If I would have gotten the same tests from my holistic doctor a few years ago, I would have been healthy a lot sooner and not had to suffer.

A differing idea I have about this is to at least place a mandate that in the traditional medical setting alternative tests need to be used first and that they should be covered by insurance. There are so many tests that my holistic practitioner has access to that the traditional doctors do not use. If I would have gotten the same tests from my holistic doctor a few years ago, I would have been healthy a lot sooner and not had to suffer.

Reimburse for alternative health modalities – and supplements.