A single solution to quickly solve each of our societal issues

One last thing is,

I don’t want any Media outlets spreading awareness of the government’s bidding, on behalf of the government.

I think you are saying that this is an outcome that would be upheld by private citizens and/or a corporate or non-profit sponsor, which is fine, but then, it shouldn’t be the business of the government to produce and enforce laws that adhere to those interests.

I don’t want any private group which adopts institutionalization of “thought control” to be influencing what happens in schools. I do want prisons to hire practitioners from private agencies, or embedded in prison system itself to educate inmates on emotional and mental mastery.

I DO want part of Physical Education classes to involve some portion of daily meditation, breathing and/or yoga, but I DON’T really want there to be any context or underlying narrative or “universal laws” guiding the meditation. It should just be a time to clear and calm the “waters of the mind”, with a very simplistic guided focus on the self.

So, for this kind of thing to work in government, I think you need bottom-up growth, and national incentives, and very specific laws.
I DO think all companies must allow their employees some time in the day for “Meditation”, which is aside from their “breaks”. I DON’T know how you enforce this, exactly. But ultimately, I think it is worth looking into.

These are just some of the gray areas we stray into here with mental health, unfortunately. I don’t profess to be an expert on anything, I am just weighing-in, because it’s a topic that is close to me, that I am also working on.