A New Approach to Student Loan Debt

The blanket “Student Loan Forgiveness” the Biden administration tried passing was a waste of time, and they knew it from the very beginning.

I propose that we give all student loan holders a 3-5 year grace period where interest is paused, and their OWN federal taxes are directly aimed at repaying their OWN student loans.

This is a “get what you give” campaign, where YOUR tax dollars are going to something that directly benefits YOU.

For example:

If a student loan holder decided to get themself in $120K of student loan debt, yet has a job where they only pay $1200 in federal taxes a year, that will be the amount paid directly to their lender. $1200, exactly the amount they are paying.

I don’t want a bailout from the federal government, I want our individual tax dollars to make a difference in our individual lives.