A Bill to Instill Confidence in New Mothers

Hello all,

  1. I suggest coverage of all pregnancy health costs leading up to and after birth for all expectant mothers.

  2. In addition, I propose a paid year of maternity leave for each child born, paid to the mother at 80% of her previous income or that of her husband if she was not previously employed, or that of her states median average individual income, whichever is highest.

  3. Furthermore, I propose the opening of an account on the child’s first birthday to be deposited with $1,000 into a locked long term financial account cared for by the parents until the child turns 18.

Certain concessions can and should be made.

If a child is stillborn, the mother still deserves the right to a paid year of mourning leave.

Through these three steps and concessions made in situations to favor the mother, we will instill new and expectant mothers with confidence that they are cared for by their nation in the case of many eventualities.

Projected cost per child would be approximately $100,000, a paltry sum to ensure the future of our nation is happy, healthy, and ready for the world.

All discourse is appreciated and welcomed.

“Work Hard and Be Kind”