2A is one of the most controversial Amendments in our Constitution.
I believe it is due to lack of education, experience or both.
To stop that everyone needs to be on the same page as fare as laws, history and foundation of the 2A.
-Every County has 2A classes that are free. They teach the history and facts about why the amendment is in place, gun safety, handling, storing, cleaning, marksmanship and defense from beginner to proficient with your weapon of choice.
In these classes, proficient and well experienced trainers can have direct conversations debunking misinformation and instilling facts and educating.
- Only an American Citizen can own a gun. Once one becomes a legal American from another country, classes are mandatory to instill knowledge and respect for not only the weapon but why America treasures our 2A and firearms. Also to evaluate intent.
- No felonies (which is already in law)
-Classes also have 2 trainers. Both trainers are proficient marksman, have had more than 20+yrs in military and/or law enforcement handling weapons of all makes and models and self defense.
-Trainers can also recognize nefarious intent from one who may have mental, emotional disturbances and intentions. Those can be address in the proper respects from the beginning.
These classes are optional but must be obtained to own higher capacity or caliber weapons.
The intention of this policy is to eventually get every of age legal American Citizen owning a gun as well as very well educated on everything surrounding firearms.
Eventually America will be known to have a gun on every hip, ankle and person(of age). One who has nefarious intent to harm will be discouraged from doing so knowing we are so well armed and their intentions will go uncompleted by penalty of immediate death.
As a trickle down effect,
-Self defense laws and regulations will need adjusting to back the 2A policy.
-Self Defense insurance policies are part of health insurance packages.
I do not think our school officials should have firearms for mishandlings to create an unfortunate accident.
However, Teachers and school officials (or similar professions) will be required to take these classes in there entirety and required to update/recourse every year should they choose to carry within professional boundaries.
Their Marksmanship experience and credentials will be considered when choosing to be a school protection Officer in conjunction to a school official. Should he/she choose to do so.
Any military service and/or law enforcement background will be a huge credit.
Pay rate adjustments will apply.
Education and experience is key.