Year Long Maternity Leave

Year long maternity leave and 6 months for fathers. By making it easier and more of a blessing to have children, it may curb the “need” for abortions and also promotes well being emotionally, mentally, and spiritually for mothers, babies, and fathers.

Many European countries lead America in maternity leave. Some of these countries include Sweden, UK, Hungary, Estonia.

For the first 6 months, it would be great if it is normal pay, and then the last 6 months would be half pay. The father should also get to choose whether he wants the first or last six months for paternity leave.


This is too economically inefficient. Our great laborers will be forced out of the workforce just because they chose to have a baby? Instead, it should be legally mandated that places of work install playscapes much like an early 2000s McDonald’s so parents can work while taking care of their children.

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If I have a small business (99.9% of businesses in the US), with 3 full time employees, and one goes on a year long maternity leave, I will not be able pay their salary, or afford a replacement.

This policy will be the final nail in the coffin for small businesses, and secure a monopoly for our corporate overlords. They will then jack up prices, and your yearly salary will no longer be enough to cover your expenses.

If I start a business, it is my responsibility to offer a benefits package that is mutually agreeable to the business’s financialy capability, and my employee’s needs.
The government does not have a place mandating that private agreement.

And if my benefits package is garbage, I won’t be able to hire an employees. The free market will regulate what is a fair trade between employer and employee.

Do you have small kids?
I can’t weld and watch my kid in a play place at the same time.
Cant bring my kid on the snow plow, semi, or garbage truck.
They cant come on the construction site with me…
This wont work for any sort of blue collar job.

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While I like the idea, it would take a Democrat supermajority for this to even be a consideration. They couldn’t even pass a 12 week paid family leave (although Ivanka Trump told him he should support something like that).

I have another idea related to leave times. Would you please view it?

Instead of asking for leave, how about we work on decreasing the cost of living, so mothers or fathers can decide to stay home with the kids until they are in grade school or older and still have a decent standard of living. That way everyone wins without putting a lot of strain on the remaining workers while we wait for the person on leave to come back.

I’m ok with them having to secure the mother/fathers position for upto a year. I don’t think it’s fair to require a company to pay you full pay for 6 months and still have to pay someone to replace you during that time.