It is unfortunate we need to codefy women’s rights the same way we needed to for voting.
Title 9 and women’s sports. Only biological women can play in women’s teams which include schools k-12, college/university, amateur sports, professional sports, and tournaments. Schools k-12, college/university, amateur sports, professional sports, and tournaments cannot substitute women’s teams for co-ed teams to allow players who transitioned, in the process of transition, or identify as a female.
In situations where there is an individual or individuals who transitioned, in the process of transition, or identifies as a female, the k-12 school, college/university, amateur team, professional team, or tournament will need to create an additional team for these players.
K-12 schools, colleges/universities, amateur, professional, tournaments, commercial properties, industrial sites which includes manufacturing sites, that have bathrooms or locker rooms will not allow biological males who transitioned, in process of transitioning, or identify as a female. These sites, without taking space from the women’s area, can create neutral bathrooms and locker rooms for individuals who transitioned, in process of transition, or identify other than their biological sex.