Wind Energy

All non-operational or otherwise inoperable wind mills must be torn down immediately and disposed of in a safe and efficient (proven) manner. This will be done at the expense of the organization that paid to place the windmill in the first place. All government subsidies for wind energy will immediately be halted. A set cost will be determined by a national average and there will be payouts provided for all companies (original installers) that begin removing these windmills. That payout will be determined on a per-windmill costing structure and adjusted by cost of living in the area. Companies will have 30 days to determine the number and location of each windmill that requires removal under this policy, those that have not identified all of the target windmills within that period will be charge double the original cost of removal which will be set to double again 90 days from that time. The excess in the cost of removal will be used to pay back the citizens of the State in the form of ROI checks for each citizen that has paid taxes in that state.