Whistleblowers Get 10% Of Damages If They Help Convict Corrupt People

Corruption is one of the most damaging forces in our economy in government as well as the private sector. It costs us trillions!

If you blow the whistle and produce evidence that contributes to the conviction of a corrupt person or entity you should get rewarded… big time!

The bigger the corruption, the worse the damages, the bigger the reward.

I think a pool of 10% of the damages going to the whistleblower (or shared among them if there are many whistleblowers) works well. Also, if it is too complex to take a share of court assigned damages, the equivalent dollar value of 10% of damages can be given from an allocation in the federal budget.

This pays for itself by reducing fraud, racketeering, foul play, and all kinds of corruption.

The 10% shall be tax free (@SarahSpangledBanner).

This significant incentive to unearth corruption would greatly increase whistleblowers, only reward the ones who successfully help get convictions, and dramatically reduce corruption and foul play.


Yes. I’ll add that the whistleblower 10% compensation should be tax free. This would instill incentive to whistleblow. Which can be argued comes with risk to the whistleblower.

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Oooo, good idea! I’ll add it.