What IS the vote limit?

Just joined and used the 10 votes you provided, and now I’m out of votes. Is that it? Is it 10 votes total at one time, 10 votes per day, 10 votes per category, etc.?

I’ve looked through all of your online documentation and no where does it talk about the vote limit and how/if it replenishes.


Hello Steve, I am new here too, can not even figure out, how to vote and many people complain about that.
Can you tell me, how to vote and why are the limits…?
Is there any way to contact directly someone, who can help?
Thank you!


Me too, I want more votes? Or maybe just a “like” shows you we want this policy considered?


When i look at issues, there is a vote button in the upper leff corner. Once you vote, tha button’s title changes from “vote” to “voted”. That’s how it worked for me

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I definitely want clarification on this issue. What’s the difference between a vote and a like other than a like can be for a specific aspect of the suggestion whereas the vote is for the suggestion overall?


I came here to ask the same question. I never even saw where it was stated that we have 10 votes max.


I’ve never read what the limit is either. Thats the problem. There is no documentation on this that I’ve found. Its just what i was gjven. I’m still capped at 10. Oh well. :frowning:


Thank you, it worked!

I was confused about this as well but actually found a separate section in the feedback category where enough people “complained” and one of the mods changed the rules and uploaded a video explaining everything. However, I personally feel that it most definitely should be in the ‘How to use this site’ guide, and there should also be a vote bank under the ‘my votes’ tab so people know how many they have left to use.

He stated that votes are now given to new members (trust lvl 1) at a 0.5% policy rate [AT THIS TIME 15 VOTES PER NEW MEMBER; previously was 10]. Once you interact on the platform and create a policy submission, etc. and become trust lvl 2, that increases to a 1% rate [AT THIS TIME 40 VOTES UPON LVL 2; previously 35, I believe, but can’t quit remember the number for that one].

His reasoning, to keep it short and simple, votes matter and having too many would cause them to lose their value. I do understand that and agree that votes should be valued, however, to have that many votes in total when there’s well over 3-4k policies that’s growing by the day- with a high chance of having duplicate policies because it’s mandatory to post in order to vote- just seems a bit silly to me when we are trying to be active in creating a better America.

IMO some suggestions to the mods:

  1. There should be a daily limit of 5-10 (equals out to less than 2k - 4k votes per person per year; with the growing # of policies, it would still allow us, the people, to vote on things we find important, while it keeps us coming back to check for new/updated policies.
  2. When an account is created the members need to know that there will be a limit and how that works; had I known, I would’ve spent more time in other category areas instead of becoming overly passionate in one category. That part is entirely a me problem, lol, but it would’ve been nice to know.
    2A. Maybe create a vote bank in the ‘my votes’ tab to let users know how many they have left
    2B. Add this vote restriction and trust lvls into your ‘How to use this site’ tab
  3. Any members that started before you implemented the new vote restriction should get 5 votes added to their vote bank- not me, but it only seems fair that they get a total of 15 just as I did (which may have already happened, that is unclear but based on comments I believe that it hasn’t).

Hope this helps for any other confused persons, and hopefully mods will at least look at my suggestions to improve this platform.

Thanks to all, have a wonderful day!


I understand the idea of limiting votes, and as you mentioned there are thousands of policy ideas on here. I think the problem is becoming that many of the policy ideas could be merged together. But yes, we should also have more votes than 15.


Absolutely, many of them could be merged together! Though, with SO many people just coming on here and then running out of votes with not much else to do other than create more policies - because that’s how you get more votes - there’s most definitely going to be repeats, it’s inevitable. Especially since we are not greatly informed about limited votes, I can see many opening a new policy to read that they are passionate about, being denied the vote, and then going to create their own on the same existing topic OR becoming very frustrated (and rightly so) that they are unable to vote for something important to them, then thinking this site doesn’t truly care of their opinion because they limit votes. Having a daily limit would ease them and promote them to think on it and be able to come back the next day in a calmer state of mind and potentially have better info or input on the subject at hand.

Another potential suggestion:
Everybody gets one vote per primary topic within each category (Can either be good vote, or bad vote); Within primary topic is all the posts merged about that topic. Just an idea.

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Should be unlimited votes.

A. You can only vote once on any one policy, so what’s the big deal? What’s the message, that you can’t care about more than 40 policies?

B: If you vote 8 times on similar policies, and they all get merged, they ought to be able to count your one vote for the newly merged policy, and return you 7.

This could be a really good platform for any number of reps, to see what Americans really care about, but we’re throttled here, just as in real life in that we can vote only on a handful of things. At this point in history I don’t think it’s accidental, it has a censorship effect.

Why even count the f$&×ing votes at all if you’re not going to get an accurate read because of limiting votes?

It’s hard enough getting people to give a shit, and to educate themselves. A lot of good policy ideas here, but why go on reading policies you can’t vote on? Frustrating.

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Maybe a way to recommend a merge when one sees a duplicate or extremely similar policy?
Then a moderator can make the call on actually merging them?

Or just a moderator facilitates a group of the authors to hammer out the merge. If nothing else, combine the similar proposals unedited under 1 vote.