We’re so excited to see how much Policies for the People (P4P) has grown in the past month, and wanted to formally welcome you to the platform. We greatly appreciate each of your contributions to P4P, whether viewing, commenting on, or posting policy ideas.Your contributions make this platform unique.
Together we can achieve lasting political change. Please follow our social accounts if you haven’t already to stay fully up-to-date on the latest!
P4P is citizen initiated and this remains a core value of our platform. As we grow, we are also introducing new methods of achieving policy change by working with members of Congress and the Executive to draft and refine proposals on the agenda in Washington D.C. We will continue to update you on these endeavors.
Here’s our vision for the future on how to execute on these policies and try to get them implemented, both on a legislative front and executive front.
If you are confident in a proposal on P4P, whether yours or someone else’s, and have sufficient social proof of its efficacy from your P4P colleagues, we encourage you to contact your local congressperson with the proposal now. A full list of Congressional Reps be found here: Find Your Representative | house.gov)
P4P encourages democratic interaction wherever possible. If you are able to visit your Representative’s District office, this could be another opportunity to get proposals close to your heart into the legislative agenda.
We look forward to the transformation of your proposals into government policy.
And thank you P4P for providing this valuable platform for expressing America’s collective voice, allowing our countrymen to bring their wisdom and brainstorming ideas to the forefront of our political system where the best of these policy suggestions might translate into good and Godly governance of which our Founding Fathers may be proud.
Thank You and all the Moderators for Your hard work. I believe this platform has great potential. Our Citizenry is a huge repositorie of profound knowledge that can now be tapped in a way that can’t be ignored by Congress. The desired Will of the People will be in the vote totals and likes for these Proposals. It’s one thing to say this is what the People desire. It is another when you can say (X number) of people have voted their support for this Proposal.
Well thank y’all, for allowing us to be a part of this, new government, hopefully we all together can make great changes, as well have a much better government for our country.
Also if any of our proposal here, ever became a bill and or pass, will we find out or not pass, so if there are changes that we can make.
Once again thank you for this site.
What i have noticed is there are many people writing the same things in many postings and NOT coming together… Too, this is policies for the people, but i see more of these policies being for the government body. That matters but I think regular people need a voice for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Trump knows about all of the corrupted government and will likely fix it, but what about regular citizen “cares?”
Love to see that real communication exists between the P4P team and it’s userbase!
The creation of this forum, even if it wasn’t intended for this large scale purpose, is revolutionary in the communication between individuals and office holding constituents.
For someone who has personally had trouble reaching my actual state representatives, this forum is the best thing that could happen.
Glad to see the development of the communities ideas.
Yet I still believe there is some work to be done!
What’s Potentially Needed: (from my personal perspective)
A type of posting category called ‘policy repeal’ and ‘policy amendment’ for previously passed posts, with an option/requirement to link said repeal or amendment to a previously passed proposal.
An entire section for previously passed and repealed proposals.
Optional notifications for announcements(found this post in the general feed, it’s got the better location now)
A guide to post formating (post roadmap; observation → detailed contribution)
Moderation of post tags (observation vs. detailed contribution-without deletion of posts)
Categories for State specific proposals/Federal specific proposals
Requirements for proposal advancement/approval (endorsement) of detailed observations leading to the proposal being properly 'refined’
AI for post formating/sorting, and ‘user bots’ that function as in-text tools for the mods (much like what Reddit or Discord uses)
Potentially petition collection function to help with the advancement of proposals into legislation (much like the petitions located on RFK Jr.'s Campaign site)
Curtis Bowers from agenda weekly posted power to the people’s information on his weekly update. That may be why you’re getting more members. He has a far reaching audience.
I feel the same way, I for one am glad to see you as well every one, here giving ideas, having a great conversation, on things we need in our government to run like it should be ran