Ensure equitable access to affordable weight loss medications for individuals struggling with obesity.
There is no such thing as a weight loss drug.
I would love to blame obesity on my Parents or some pseudo-scientific condition!!
There are medications with a “side effect” of “off label” or accidentally causing weight loss.
Using substances to “hack” your metabolism into thinking you are diabetic is asking for future problems.
The Pharmaceutical industry is now your best friend for life. A shorter life.
To lose weight and keep it off you must change your eating and exercise habits.
You have to actually change.
You need to educate yourself.
When you consistently make healthy choices you become healthy.
I’m not sure what" equitable" means in the context that you have used it but everyone has equality when it comes to gaining and losing weight.
My beanpole x husband and his Family excluded because we all know “Those people who can eat everything under the Sun and never gain an ounce.”
If one or both of your Parents are Fat you will need to work harder to maintain a healthy weight.
Nobody is stopping you from losing weight except yourself. ****READ AGAIN
Unless someone is forcing you to take harmful neurotoxins (Psychiatric Medication) or you live in an institutional setting you are in control of your own health.
It costs nothing to walk.
I was fortunate enough to see Richard L. Atkinson, MD the top expert on Obesity.
I told my Doctor that I was Depressed because I was Fat.
He said something like “It’s your lucky day because I have a colleague who just happens to be an expert.”
This referral changed my life.
On December 31st, 2020, Dr. Atkinson retired from his position as Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Obesity after 21 years.
Here is a short bio: Richard L. Atkinson, MD
I went to my appointment hoping for a magic solution.
The first thing I noticed in the lobby was a gigantic scale. (Livestock sized)
I was fully prepared to do whatever it took including bariatric surgery.
I asked for it.
Dr. Atkinson explained to me in simple terms that I was a very short person. 5ft. 0 inches.
He said I was just overweight and I needed to eat like I was a diabetic person who has to be extremely aware of everything that they eat or drink or I will be sick.
He said I get 1200 calories a day for my height and gender. *XX
He told me to write down everything I eat or drink.
He said I can only have 30 grams of fat a day including no more than 10 saturated fat.
He said if I get to 1200 calories or 30 fat or 10 saturated fat I can not eat anymore that day.
This makes you become extremely aware of what and how much you are eating.
1200 calories per day is three 400 calorie meals per day no snack.
I was not told how to eat just when to stop.
It did not matter if I ate little portions all day or 1 Big Mac. = 563 Calories 33 grams of Fat.
I quickly learned the joys of Celery, Cucumbers and water.
He told me to walk and get my heartrate up for 45 minutes at least 3-5 times per week.
I was hopeful so I decided to Re-Program myself. *Self Brainwashing
I watched three movies.
- Supersize Me.
- Food INC.
- A Monsanto Documentary
- I highly recommend watching all 3 together.
- You will never look at food the same way.
It worked.
Here is what works best for me:
- Eating whole foods that came with the Earth *1 ingredient
- Calorie intake based on your height and biological gender.
- Fat and Saturated Fat intake based on your height and gender.
- Exercise 3-5 times per week for a minimum of 45 min
- Journal everything you put in your mouth! *1 grape=XX calories, 0 fat.
- “If you cheat, you are cheating yourself.”-My Brother Elliot
I lost 130lbs I have kept it off for 12 years