The Military Industrial Complex – the Department of State, Pentagon, CIA, FBI and collective foreign service and military communities – have a very vested interest in maintaining an economy that can support a militarized population and a dynamic overseas presence.
This does not have to be carried out in a way that involves mass producing bullets, weapons and machines of war for the purpose of dealing death. Instead of this, we can evolve. The next step is to work together with all nations to defend the planet from off world threats. This supercedes internecine warfare between humans. We can and should strive to stop all warfare between humans. Rather than pursue agendas and policies that inflame hatreds between humans, as we are doing right now, the US should look to hold war games and joint civilian/military drills with all countries. This involves:
- Regional wargames (i.e. NATO, Quad, South China Sea, and other theaters)
- Planetary wargames-- great powers working together to defend against off-world threats (i.e. asteroids, comets, extraterrestrial intelligence or other invading/attacking forces)
Planetary wargames can be at the UNSC level (Russia, China, UK, France, US), it can be between several great powers and smaller regional powers or blocks (i.e. US, Russia, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Iceland), it can be between great powers simulating that one of them has lost communications (i.e. US, China, France, Russia and not UK).
There is opportunity in this space of conducting war games and joint drills to generate the same or greater economies that current “forever wars” run by the US neoconservatives and deep state have been running in Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea, Vietnam, and other places.