Election Day is a National Holiday every two years.
Bi-partisan “web team” that receives polling/ voting data from each voting location. All of the emails/ phone calls from each voting location to the “web team” are publicly available for any citizen to monitor as they see fit.
At least one Polling location will be formed in every city and citizens are required to register at a specific polling location. All aspects of each polling location may be viewed and monitored by each and every citizen as they see fit.
Paper Ballots are standardized in format across the country. States may elect to extend the federal ballot to include the state and local items on the federal ballot. Citizens must pre-register at a specific location, so that location only needs that number of ballots printed.
Only in person voting is allowed: With a “zoom exception”.
A “local zoom board” will be formed at every polling location. Must consist of an equal number of democrat and republican oversight. Individuals that are registered at the local polling location may dial into a zoom call, show ID to the bi-partisan board, and then deliver their votes to the bi-partisan board, who will write them on the citizen’s ballot and deliver to the box. Some sort of NDA will be signed by this board for the privacy of the individual.
Bi-partisan “tally team” at each local location. Votes are tallied by consensus as they come in. Counts should be available within minutes after the polls close (or the lines, if they exist come to a close). These are transmitted to the federal “web team” for publishing and the same oversight rules apply to the local and the federal teams.