Voting reformation

Proof of citizenship must be presented when registering to vote. Voter ID must be shown when voting. Absentee ballots will only be provided to voters that request them. Move election day to the first Friday in November. Make election day a national holiday. All voting is done on paper ballots. Anybody convicted of voter fraud loses their right to vote permanently.


One vote One day. All vote tabulation must be done on the day of the vote. Also the training of poll watchers must be done without party affiliation. In other words no one who is chosen (can be done randomly like jury duty), can display, or speak on one candidate or another. All must go through the same class. Any one caught trying to rig or change the ballots must be charged with a felony.

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Voter ID.

Confirmed American Citizens ONLY.

No mail-in ballots.

There will be no community ballot boxes that can be used to cheat.

1 day of voting, 1 day of counting. If 1 state can do it, all states can do it.

Ballots will be filled out by hand and have 2 carbon copies.

The voter will have their vote scanned and check the results before approving.

Their votes will then be published on an online forum.

Voters will get a QR code to check the status of their votes online.

The two carbon copies will be placed in separate secured (welded shut) boxes and will remain under guard until removed to two separate guarded, secured, and vaulted locations.

These boxes would be opened for a recount by a device NOT CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET and proven to be trustworthy.

If a citizen sincerely cannot get out to vote they can schedule ahead of time to have a roaming van that has secured boxes for their votes which are accompanied by Republican, Democrat, and Independent representatives as well as an armed contingent to ensure the safety of their votes. This can be used for nursing homes, hospitals, other institutions, and the homes of individuals who are genuinely unable to leave their homes.

No inmates will be allowed to vote.