Veterans village

A community for all military vets and their families to live. Similar to the villages for alzhiemer patients same idea but more adjusted to fit the needs and necessities our vets need. Our vets are used to being around their brothers and sisters in arms this will help them be able to come back and get the help they need for the sacrifices they made for all of us. It would be a whole community dedicated to our vets and their families.

What the village would offer

A 20 mile no fireworks/ loud noise ordinance to protect our vets from having ptsd flash backs.
24/7 onsite health access for mental and physical health.
A “store” that has donated items for any vets and their families free of charge
Regular housing for vets and barracks housing for any vets who may be homeless or just need to be closer to their brothers and sisters.
Barracks housing would cost nothing for vets
A community center where everyone can come together at anytime.
A community safe for any vets who have firearms but dont feel they trust themselves with it. They can lock it into the safe and get it back when they feel its safe to have it again.

Comment anything else you might think is needed so i can add it.


This is actually an awesome idea! It would help them so much! Just being around other veterans on a daily basis would be great for their mental health. And having 24/7 health access is key. If my hubby is having a hard time dealing with something or a flashback why should it take him a week to get in to see someone or talk to his therapist about it? The time it takes him to get seen puts him at a huge risk of relapsing.

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Thank you i was talking with my mom about it weve had family who has served and were always big about taking care of our vets not sure how to execute it but definitely think we need to have it. No vet should come back and just be forgotten when they sacrificed so much for all of us.

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