Veteran Health - Agent Orange

Agent Orange is a chemical herbicide and defoliant used by the U.S. military as part of its herbicidal warfare program. It has caused major health issues for veterans and has the potential to damage their DNA molecules and genes. I believe there is a strong possibility that it affects future generations, causing both physical and mental health issues for their offspring.

My grandfather served in the Vietnam War and was affected by Agent Orange, and my father served in the Gulf War and suffers from Gulf War Illness. It took the government far too long to acknowledge the risks they exposed these veterans to. But I believe the damage is even worse than they admit, and that the potential consequences - including the cost of compensation - make it difficult for them to fully recognize the widespread harm caused to our population.

Veterans and their families deserve the truth. Officials refuse to acknowledge even the possibility that these health issues are being passed down through multiple generations. We need to know if exposure to these substances is contributing to the current epidemic of poor health and mental illness in America. I believe it’s a strong possibility that warrants further investigation and research.

How many times has a veteran been told there’s nothing that can help their pain, that they’ll have to live the rest of their lives with disease or disability? How many veterans and their families have been downplayed and dismissed by doctors, told, “There’s nothing wrong with you,” “It’s in your head,” “Just take Tylenol and ibuprofen,” or “All tests came back normal”? We need research to understand the health issues — and possible DNA or gene mutations — affecting veterans, their children, and their grandchildren.

There must be something we can do for them. These veterans bravely risked their lives for our country, yet they’ve been dismissed and silenced when health issues began to emerge. By supporting more research into the health of veterans and their families, we might understand the real extent of the damage and its causes. Once we understand how these issues affect them, we may be able to find solutions to treat and, hopefully, reverse some of this harm.

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They have yet to research that Agent Orange caused DNA damage. My brother’s, served twice in brown water Navy in Viet Nam, daughter was born with learning differences, her son has same disorders and her daughter was born with two thumbs on one hand. They are ignoring this problem. I, his sister, had two high IQ children. He and others feel the government is just waiting for these veterans die and push these problems under the rug. Shame on our government who sent these young men to war.

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