- Ban the use of any electronic voting system in elections, mandate hand-counted paper ballots in every jurisdiction, and avoid a requirement for a digital form of identification in elections.
- Ensure that all Federal political offices have an efficient and timely mechanism for recall, with simple and fast logistics, so that officeholders are always accountable to their constituents.
- Stop networks of disinformation from operating in the U.S., prosecute those who use psychological operations against the People.
- Dismantle and prosecute all organizations supporting human trafficking, including all religious and commercial organizations found to be connected to these activities.
- Publish true information about the world and global events, including World War II, the Cold War, and the last 30 years of U.S. operations in the Middle East.
- Create an Internet Bill of Rights, patterned after the U.S. Bill of Rights, which safeguards the People’s rights in this Age of Information; an excellent example is here: Internet Bill of Rights #IBOR. OPEN LETTER TO PRESIDENT TRUMP | by Tore (Τερψη) Maras | Medium.
- Ensure that all use of Artificial Intelligence is overseen by an ethics division within the Federal government, to avoid at least some of the harmful potential effects on humanity.
- Curtail the espionage and detentions allowed by the Patriot Act, which was an extreme case of government overreach.
- Terminate or severely curtail the activities of the CIA, as its core function of intelligence gathering can be effectively performed by other agencies (Space Force, NSA, DIA).
- Remove all intelligence operations from the FBI and return it to its intended role as the nation’s law enforcement authority (police).
- Curtail the overreach and unnecessary powers of Federal agencies such as the FDA, NSA, CIA, FBI, Department of Justice, Department of the Treasury, HHS, among others.
Guiding Principles
- All people are of one race and have the same innate value and rights; “right” and “left”, “conservative” and “liberal”, are some of the artificial constructs used as tools of division, and they must be discarded for humanity to be free of control.
- The Federal government only exists to serve, and derives all of its power from, the People, with the States as intermediary institutions.
- Those who would serve the People must always work for the benefit of the People, always maintaining the People’s ability to apply their God-given discernment on facts which are free of disinformation; disinformation (intentional) must be prosecuted, and misinformation (unintentional) must be countered with true information, to allow the People to make accurate decisions about their future.
Complete list of policy recommendations : x.com