Various Policy Recommendations - Liberty

  1. Ban the use of any electronic voting system in elections, mandate hand-counted paper ballots in every jurisdiction, and avoid a requirement for a digital form of identification in elections.
  2. Ensure that all Federal political offices have an efficient and timely mechanism for recall, with simple and fast logistics, so that officeholders are always accountable to their constituents.
  3. Stop networks of disinformation from operating in the U.S., prosecute those who use psychological operations against the People.
  4. Dismantle and prosecute all organizations supporting human trafficking, including all religious and commercial organizations found to be connected to these activities.
  5. Publish true information about the world and global events, including World War II, the Cold War, and the last 30 years of U.S. operations in the Middle East.
  6. Create an Internet Bill of Rights, patterned after the U.S. Bill of Rights, which safeguards the People’s rights in this Age of Information; an excellent example is here: Internet Bill of Rights #IBOR. OPEN LETTER TO PRESIDENT TRUMP | by Tore (Τερψη) Maras | Medium.
  7. Ensure that all use of Artificial Intelligence is overseen by an ethics division within the Federal government, to avoid at least some of the harmful potential effects on humanity.
  8. Curtail the espionage and detentions allowed by the Patriot Act, which was an extreme case of government overreach.
  9. Terminate or severely curtail the activities of the CIA, as its core function of intelligence gathering can be effectively performed by other agencies (Space Force, NSA, DIA).
  10. Remove all intelligence operations from the FBI and return it to its intended role as the nation’s law enforcement authority (police).
  11. Curtail the overreach and unnecessary powers of Federal agencies such as the FDA, NSA, CIA, FBI, Department of Justice, Department of the Treasury, HHS, among others.

Guiding Principles

  • All people are of one race and have the same innate value and rights; “right” and “left”, “conservative” and “liberal”, are some of the artificial constructs used as tools of division, and they must be discarded for humanity to be free of control.
  • The Federal government only exists to serve, and derives all of its power from, the People, with the States as intermediary institutions.
  • Those who would serve the People must always work for the benefit of the People, always maintaining the People’s ability to apply their God-given discernment on facts which are free of disinformation; disinformation (intentional) must be prosecuted, and misinformation (unintentional) must be countered with true information, to allow the People to make accurate decisions about their future.

Complete list of policy recommendations :