The American people have been deprived of their right to privacy in the pursuit of corporate greed and government overreach.
Almost every application, website, piece of tech, or service that is used today collects and stores the end users information, after which the collector turns around and uses or sells the information without the end user’s express permission. The acceptance of cookies on a website or the acceptance of an EULA should never allow for the freedom to collect, share, sell or otherwise leverage an individuals information in any way in the same manner one does not have to make a purchase to be eligible for a sweepstakes/contest.
Any attempt to gather, store, share or sell any user’s information must be clearly agreed to, written in layman’s terms, and cannot be directly linked to the users ability to access or use the services/product offered. All businesses or governing bodies operating or being operated on behalf of another party in the U.S. must be subject to this law.
Let’s talk about this!