US Education/Texbooks/Material

Let the states take control of our education. Replace all textbooks and curriculum with the true and correct education with true facts of all history, science, finance, business and technology etc. Include more helpful studies to support for future development in all aspects including the economy.

Whether it’s homeschooling, public or private schools, our children need to learn how to prepare themselves for life in the real world. Decide if it should still be PreK-12 and the days in class. We need to establish our own American School programs not by the deep state.

Bring back all National Geographic, Prentice Hall, Five Ponds Press, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt and McGraw-Hill. And not allow any foreign entity to make any modifications of any wording to American textbooks or reading materials.

Update all current and past true events where maybe Elon Musk could sponsor a Starlink Ed program like Reach for the Moon where they can all access a grok computer search engine for all tech/computer classes. A Grok Student of the Month, Grok Reading Centers. Mars Station. Etc. Coordinate and implement a learning Space Station Program because eventually we will have an actual Mars Mission Landing.

Our children need a new outlook in life after being in the dark for so long. Please feel free to add any other ideas or suggestions.

I little text book history. Local school board can control what the student is taught. I have over 35 years in the book printing and binding industrial, the last 20 as a Quality Manager. The last 10 year were in a division that did text book, Pre-K to graduate level, maybe 30-35 million per year. We printed books for all of the publishers you mentioned except for Five Ponds Press. That a new one for me. Since text books were so expensive, the way the school book system worked is that a school board has subjects on a replacement rotation, Math this year, Science next year, English the next, History the next, and “others” the last. They would replace all of the books in that subject that year. We did page pull tests, page flex tests, tumble tests, and others to insure the books lasted for 5 years until the next round. The school boards would have several books of the same subject from different manufacturers to review and compare so they could make informed choices. It did not matter to us because we probably printed most or all of them. And yes, the 2010 Common Core (CC) fiasco was a goldmine for us because most books needed replace as soon as possible to be compliant. This effectively took the school boards out of the equation because all of the manufacturers books looked the same to be CC compliant. Due to digital books, a lot of this might have changed in the last 5-7 years since I retired, but at the time there were several studies showing that students did a lot worse with digital books compared to printed text books. Something about the tactile feel and text location on the page of the book helps learning. The benefit was that digital books could be updated on a regular basis, especially history. The younger generation has grown up reading screens go maybe things have changed.