Dear President Trump,
Congratulations on your recent election victory and return to the presidency. As a concerned citizen, I am writing to address your campaign promise to “drain the swamp” and urge you to take decisive action against extremism and racial discrimination in our nation.
Your pledge to root out corruption and special interests in Washington resonated with many Americans1. However, true swamp-draining must also confront the insidious issues of racism, fear-mongering, and threats against minority communities, particularly African Americans.
Recent incidents of vulgar, threatening messages sent to Black college students are deeply troubling. These acts, along with other forms of racial intimidation, have no place in our society. I urge you to publicly condemn such behavior and work with the FBI and Department of Justice to thoroughly investigate these matters.
As president, you have a unique platform to address the nation on this critical issue. I ask that you deliver a speech reaffirming America’s commitment to equality, justice, and zero tolerance for racial discrimination or violence. This message should leave no doubt that your administration stands firmly against white supremacist ideologies and will not allow a resurgence of slavery or Jim Crow-era oppression.
Draining the swamp must include purging our society of hateful extremism that threatens the safety and dignity of Black Americans and other minorities. I hope you will use the power of your office to heal divisions, promote unity, and ensure equal protection under the law for all citizens.
Emily Ryan-Brown
Yes, I am against wrongdoing across the board. I have made a YouTube video titled …. “I don’t get into color “………
The reason I wrote my letter of my feelings to Donald Trump as President, is because I believe the white supremacy is using him and the wording of maga and republican to try to put fear into Black peoples by doing things like sending out the Text Messages to Black College Students, saying things like report to the cotton fields at 9am, amongst other horrible things.
As a Light skinned black woman, I despise hatred, evil, wrongdoing, devaluing, dismissing and sweeping under the carpet while turning the cheek to not address and keep allowing people to continue to treat black peoples horribly because of the long history of slavery in this country and the continuing of sly, hidden insidious behaviors that hurt all people, and again because I am black with Black American children, I choose to point out wrongdoing. And yes, it should be for everyone, even though many have not endured the pain and killings due to color.
First off, I want to thank you for being here and making an attempt to improve things. That said, there’s no reasonable solution to mean jokes. Once you give a government authority over speech, they can censor anything they want.
For what it’s worth, the media has lied constantly about Trump re: White supremacists. Please watch this 4-minute compilation of Trump saying “Racism is bad” and the media ignoring him. Hopefully it will make you feel a bit better about the state of things.
P.S. for a little fun, install “Uncle Chang’s Racism Simulator” in firefox browser and read some mainstream media news.
Hey, Jack… thank you for being here as well and being civil. (smile)
Listen, no one should twist anyone’s arm to try to make them “De-nounce” or debunk anyone for their beliefs. I have learned a hard lesson, during my continuous healing journey is, “Radical Acceptance”we cannot change people. However, I can distance myself, set boundaries and get far away from some. As an advocate against wrongdoing, sometimes I can take action and call it out, when safe to do so. (Like in the hospital environments, etc)
In this case, it’s so much deeper than calling names and words and telling people to ignore, because we may feel uncomfortable about watching our family and/or friends do wrongdoing to others because of color.
Thank you for recommending that video, as a New Yorker myself, I totally have felt this was going on. The deep part is that many Blacks have been bamboozled, tricked, and adopted the cult mindset and won’t let go of the Democratic manipulation.
I am, or try to be an independent thinker, similar to what Malcom X was saying, which the masses, during that time, prohibited us from listening or watching him.
May I also suggest. Every time you hear negative things. Do your own research. Take 30-40 mins. You will learn a lot. On both sides. If you will go to my X page. GBTUSA2024 replies under MTG’s post and I have replied at the top and have videos and pictures to look at. The Windell one has 9 comments in it. Don’t have to worry about the fauci ones just J6.
Please take time. This will give insight on nonhate but also on why the swamp needs cleaning. And there is so much more. Thank you for listening. And this will take 5-8 mins. Once u find me.
I’m absolutely disgusted by all the racial animosity and race baiting. My son is half black half white and I always told him that he is the best of,both worlds and that he must be proud of who he is and to value his uniqueness.
He started classes at a local university two years ago and he’s been twisted into an unrecognizable form. He despises me for being white and says that he has to consider himself black in order to be acceptable to his peers at school. He says he doesn’t know who he is anymore.
I hardly recognize him myself anymore. He no longer goes to church. He attends protests against Isreal. He doesn’t want anything to do with his family on either side. He is full of anger.
This breaks my heart in so many ways there’s no words to describe it. It also fills me with rage and sometimes I wish that university would get struck by lightning and burn to the ground.
Hey @mike_ruberto, I am doing a double tonight at work, and as your story hurts my heart deeply, I shared it with a few nurses on duty with me, because I so can relate to your son, growing up in the ghetto as a light skinned black female. It’s crazy on so many levels.
I can only imagine how heartbreaking it must be to see your son struggle with this and to feel distanced from him.
It’s completely understandable to feel anger and frustration about these changes.
I became pretty radical in college back in the day, had many days of hating myself / skin color and both of my parents were black.
It’s too much to go into on here, but I want you to know that you are not alone, and there are many that feel you and your sons pain. Society has taught us all how to hate one another.
Anyway, have you heard of Dr. Ramani? Her last book, “It’s Not You” is for all types of relationships and it will definitely help to understand people in general. And if you can just mail your son a copy of that book. Also, if you want to you can watch a voice recording I turned into a video explaining a little bit of what I experienced on the color thing, (titled: I Don’t get into color by emily ryan-brown)
Listen Mike, things are going to get better, trust and believe. Sending you honest peace and love
Thank you for your generosity and concern. My son doesn’t listen to anything I have to say. I tried giving him a Thomas Sowell book (Inside American Education) so he could understand the pitfalls and drawbacks of the modern university industry and the indoctrination it forces on people but he left it sitting on the coffee table.
He is a very smart kid and was a very active participant in church activities growing up so he knows right from wrong. But in 2, almost 3 years in college and he has been completely subverted and corrupted in every imaginable way and now has a racist chip on his shoulder that bears no relation to his life experience in any way whatsoever.
I can’t get through to him. When I try he tells me I’m violating his boundaries and stops communicating with me. He has been brainwashed into rejecting his family - the people that love him and can help him the most.
Make America color blind. Reveal the Marxism and delusion of its opressor-victimhood propagandas, especially its divide and conquer delusion with white supremacy and race-warefare.