Universal health care

Universal healthcare for all. We’re the only country without it. Once implemented no one would go without it. Let’s stop the corporate capture on people’s health. Right now people pay more per year on insurance than it would cost them on their taxes. In Canada on 100,000 it would cost $8000 in taxes for healthcare. In the states, healthcare costs $1000 per month for a family. That’s $12,000.

Time to get with the century and implement universal healthcare. Take the political heat. And be remembered as the president who got America universal healthcare


The government has boldly failed at their attempts in universal health care–Unaffordable HC Act, <—Medicaid before it was placed under ACA-HMO’s, VA hospitals & their treatment of our veterans, etc.
To attract the best & brightest, medicine needs to offer rewards. $400,000-$600,000 in student loans cannot be paid back on GS-14, GS-15 pay.
We need to return to fee for service and eliminate insurance companies instead of making the feds a huge one.


There’s 2 problems you stated.

  1. 400-600,000 student loans shouldn’t exist. Cost for post highschool education has gone up hundreds of percent. That needs to be resolved.
  2. cost for service still can bankrupt people over health, and as a first world country that shouldn’t exist.
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Totally agree. It is nothing less than a complete disgrace that this country has never seen fit to provide our people with universal, high quality, healthcare, like every other modern wealthy nation.

But, insurance (especially profit-driven insurance) paid for by taxes is NOT the way to achieve this essential goal in the U.S. Here’s How:

See The People’s Mandate-Healthcare for All Americans (Search People’s Mandate here, or on FaceBook, also discussed at some length in a Kennedy Beacon forum beginning ~10-25-24 ( Comments - In Bipartisan Panel, Kennedy Offers Solutions for America’s Chronic Disease Epidemic ) for a proposal on how to provide healthcare funding for EVERYONE, equitably, in a uniquely American, permanent, way, requiring no new taxes, ever. It taps an obvious, but unique and heretofore never utilized source of funding for healthcare which could (and should) over time, replace Social Security and Medicare, providing REAL conception to grave “social” security for every American, which includes healthcare whenever a person needs it.

In the meantime, this proposal stabilizes the State Banking system (and along with that, puts, right now, about a fifth of GDP into a permanent “social” security, non-tax Trust THAT REMAINS UNDER THE CONTROL OF EACH INDIVIDUAL HOLDING THEIR EQUITABLE PIECE OF IT (earning interest while it remains saved), ALWAYS, TO BE UTILIZED EXCLUSIVELY FOR INDIVIDUAL “HEALTH” CARE), i.e. Washington cannot recklessly, incompetently spend this money on its own agenda because this is money that was not appropriated thru tax revenue.

This plan reduces costs for employers by their not having to provide health insurance for employees, while it reduces/eliminates personal injury liability costs for everyone, most notably in what people are paying for car insurance, and home and business liability insurance.

AND, it is completely non-partisan. It does not matter who ends up sitting in the White House, Congress should be embarrassed into passing this bill on day one. All that is required is a simple change to campaign finance law (a subject that has been sorely neglected, resulting in all the corporate capture problems), and a small change in federal business tax code which will affect only our most successful businesses.

[quote=“RubyTuesday, post:2, topic:2182, full:true”]
"The government has boldly failed at their attempts in universal health care–Unaffordable HC Act, " …
“We need to return to fee for service and eliminate insurance companies instead of making the feds a huge one.”

Absolutely. The People’s Mandate is how we do it.

I could support universal CATASTROPHIC coverage. Big stuff like cancer, heart attacks, car accidents, etc. The stuff that wipes people out financially.

Cover screenings- annual physical, mammogram, colonoscopy, etc.

But don’t give universal coverage for every sniffle.

I don’t trust government -run institutions.

With the substandard care in Medicaid, Native American tribal healthcare, the VA hospital, healthcare for active military and their families , and prison services to inmates, why would anyone want the government to provide healthcare for all? That would be Medicaid for all. I do not want that.

Currently insurance companies do not pay for most alternative health practices— the kind that actually work for people. So if you believe in alternative health you’d still be paying out of pocket to get the help that works. If they would allow freedom to choose your healthcare philosophy— not just have the choice of pills or surgery— but also chiropractic, acupuncture, massage, craniosacral therapy, nutrition, herbs, homeopathy, neurofeedback, energy medicine, yoga, meditation, Tai Chi, I qigong, etc—then maybe I would vote for it. I have always used alternative health whenever I get sick and have always paid for it myself because my insurance didn’t pay for it. I’m not wealthy but I pay for what I believe in even if I have to sacrifice other things I want in order to get the healthcare I believe in. I am sure that I am much healthier than I would be if I had used standard care.

Many years ago I lived in FL and had a doctor who was fantastic. She was an MD, acupuncturist, herbalist, naturopathic doctor, nutritionist. She would do an interview and exam, then tell me the different ways to treat the problem based on different philosophies. She allowed her patients to choose which healthcare philosophy they wanted to use to treat their sickness. I wish all doctors could be trained that way. If a government program could offer healthcare freedom with well trained providers, then I would support it.

For a country this size, universal medical coverage would be a nightmare. My husband is in healthcare. Not good. Instead, transparency and competition will bring down prices and we get more bang for the buck. In places like Ireland, Canada, etc, their taxes are about 50% of their income whilst the medical system is broken. Many don’t see doctors for months and hospitals are not great. Many have visited the USA and ended up using emergency services and were surprised not just with quick care but with clean hospitals. In my parents home country, my aunt had died and the clinic called my other aunt to remind her my sick aunt had an appointment. My aunt had to tell them that my aunt had died a year ago and they hadn’t let her come back in time. No, we need competition, transparency, and accountability from hospitals, clinics, and insurance companies instead of universal healthcare. Thank you.


Im an American permanent resident from Canada. Tax wise 50% is not just going to medical. On $100,000 income. About $8000 goes towards healthcare. 12.1% of the tax rate goes to healthcare. But Canada also only has 35 million people. 12.1% with no premiums, no deductibles, no co insurance. Just 12.1% of your income. Currently, Americans pay more with deductible. You’d quite literally save money and have healthcare. And no worries of bankruptcy. Pros outweigh the cons. America could also do it for between 9-12%. Take costs out of businesses which essentially should lower costs. It should still be an option

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Healthcare should be a RIGHT of all Americans NOT a privilege for the wealthy. As Americans we pay twice as much per capita as any other developed nation on Earth and we have some of the lowest outcomes. We also pay up to TEN TIMES the price for prescription drugs as other countries do for the same medications even though a lot of times our tax payer dollars have gone to fund the development of those drugs. We are being ripped off right and left from rapacious middle men insurance companies and big pharma, Our Healthcare system should serve the people who pay for it instead of greedy corporations who are profiteering 100s of billions of dollars annually from the sick, elderly, and struggling Americans who can’t even afford to go to the doctor.

People who don’t want reform will argue it’s about “choice”, but honestly what choice does the average American have? Sure, If you have a great job with a rich company you probably have some excellent HC coverage. Conversely if you are struggling to make ends meet like most Americans, you get what your job offers you in way of coverage or you get nothing. The “choices” for those people are Do I choose to buy groceries this week? Or pay for my medication? Or Do I take my sick child to the urgent care? Or pay rent this month? These are not choices Americans should be forced to make in the richest country the world has ever seen.

Our Healthcare system should be de-coupled from employment. Part of the reason people are afraid to move jobs or start their own entrepreneurial companies is they will lose HC for their families. We are the only developed nation on Earth that does this and it’s time to stop the rape and pillage of the American people.

Our system of healthcare should serve US THE PEOPLE who pay for it with their hard earned blood sweat and tears not the blood sucking rapacious profiteering insurance companies and Big Pharma.

I will never trust the government with my health care. A universal system gives a political party too much power over your life, literally. It’s too easy to be denied services because of party affiliation. Also, there are already too many services (like kidney transplants) denied because of age. We don’t need any more.