Totally agree. It is nothing less than a complete disgrace that this country has never seen fit to provide our people with universal, high quality, healthcare, like every other modern wealthy nation.
But, insurance (especially profit-driven insurance) paid for by taxes is NOT the way to achieve this essential goal in the U.S. Here’s How:
See The People’s Mandate-Healthcare for All Americans (Search People’s Mandate here, or on FaceBook, also discussed at some length in a Kennedy Beacon forum beginning ~10-25-24 ( Comments - In Bipartisan Panel, Kennedy Offers Solutions for America’s Chronic Disease Epidemic ) for a proposal on how to provide healthcare funding for EVERYONE, equitably, in a uniquely American, permanent, way, requiring no new taxes, ever. It taps an obvious, but unique and heretofore never utilized source of funding for healthcare which could (and should) over time, replace Social Security and Medicare, providing REAL conception to grave “social” security for every American, which includes healthcare whenever a person needs it.
In the meantime, this proposal stabilizes the State Banking system (and along with that, puts, right now, about a fifth of GDP into a permanent “social” security, non-tax Trust THAT REMAINS UNDER THE CONTROL OF EACH INDIVIDUAL HOLDING THEIR EQUITABLE PIECE OF IT (earning interest while it remains saved), ALWAYS, TO BE UTILIZED EXCLUSIVELY FOR INDIVIDUAL “HEALTH” CARE), i.e. Washington cannot recklessly, incompetently spend this money on its own agenda because this is money that was not appropriated thru tax revenue.
This plan reduces costs for employers by their not having to provide health insurance for employees, while it reduces/eliminates personal injury liability costs for everyone, most notably in what people are paying for car insurance, and home and business liability insurance.
AND, it is completely non-partisan. It does not matter who ends up sitting in the White House, Congress should be embarrassed into passing this bill on day one. All that is required is a simple change to campaign finance law (a subject that has been sorely neglected, resulting in all the corporate capture problems), and a small change in federal business tax code which will affect only our most successful businesses.