It’s no secret our government is hiding anti-gravity, free-energy technologies / devices, the existence of our benevolent ET friends. It is not theoretical, they already have anti-gravity. These technologies would mean we would no longer need roads, fossil fuels, it could clean our oceans / air, ending the poverty crisis, and we can be traveling throughout the solar system. The best versions of this technology travel so fast that you can get anywhere in North America in about 90 seconds in these craft, and probably fully around the world in less than 5-10 minutes. 8 hours to the moon is a very manageable trip, and now if we can get these brought to the public, a lot more things are possible. We can expand through our solar system, and the best part about it is that humanity can expand our civilization to different planets and galaxies, pretty much making us a galactic civilization. If we have clean / free / wireless energy like Nikola Tesla created a century ago, we don’t need to pay for it anymore. That gets us off of the need for our outdated and corrupt financial system. It may not happen right away, but if you eliminate the need for paying for energy, you’re creating unimaginable economic prosperity the likes of which the world has never seen before. Most extraterrestrial species are NOT hostile to our planet or humanity. HOWEVER, they are INCREASINGLY CONCERNED about human hostility and weapon systems developments (nuclear, scalar, etc). Some have even shut down and monitored nuclear silos as a result of these developments. Tons of witness testimony. Extraterrestrial technology HAS been studied and reverse engineered, leading to a worldwide breakthrough revolution in energy and propulsion, which all have been ruthlessly suppressed in order to protect big oil / corporate industrialists and macroeconomic interests in business. Gravity control was mastered in October 1957.
- An extremely secret organization has been running these projects without legal constitutional government oversight since the late 1950s, starting around the last year of Eisenhower’s term
- These illegal projects present a very grave threat to national security, world security and frankly world peace
- Key members of US Government agencies, oversight committees, and congresspersons have been denied access to these projects.
- The technologies held by this unconstitutional and criminal illegal government would immediately solve the world’s energy, environmental (pollution) and poverty crises
- These organizations and corporate contractors also have been targeting and on occasion, successfully downed ET vehicles, sometimes man made crafts created by corporations for testing purposes.
- Crimes against humanity worldwide - immediate referral to International courts / tribunals for the crimes committed by illegal covert projects
Main Characteristics of Illegal Secret Government (ISG) UFO Projects & Operations:
- Legal intelligence, military, congresspersons, Presidents / world leaders are victims. Similar operations parallel to US projects exists in many, if not most other countries. ISG operates without acknowledging national and constitutional boundaries. Blackmail, bribery, and intimidation are the operational core
Presidential / Executive Branch Recommendations:
- Full and transparent public congressional investigation of Secret Space Programs / UFO / ARV Projects.
- Issue an executive order to immediately stand down all targeting and attacks on ET vehicles
- Issue an executive order requiring all military contractors, other federal agencies of the US government to disclose to Congress and President all information, material technologies, and locations of UFO / ARV / Secret Space Program related assets. If not complied with within 6 months, offending parties will and must be prosecuted, tried, and swiftly sentenced for treason and other high crimes against the United States.
- Issue an executive order requiring the immediate and public release of all US Patent Office patents that have been suppressed and seized under the corrupt use of the national security state that include free energy, teleportation, anti-gravity, and quantum healing machines.
- Issue a congressional subpoena to immediately disclose all advanced energy generating technologies (zero-point, quantum vacuum, plasma generators, antigravity, etc) for peaceful and humanitarian use only.
- Grant personal witness protection to UFO / ISG / ARV / Secret Space Program whistleblower witnesses and their families, including both government and private contractors
- Immediate full and transparent DOJ and FBI investigations into illegal operations related to UFOs/ ISG / ARVs / Secret Space Programs, both government and private, including prosecution for fraud, kidnapping, witness intimidation, m*rder, treason and other serious crimes
- Full, and public transparent Pentagon Investigation and prosecution of illegal criminal activity related to UFO / ISG / ARV / Secret Space Program operations under the UCMJ and ICC (Uniform Code of Military Justice or International Criminal Court)
- Full authorization from the President or Secretary of Defense to allow access and mobilize our military strike teams to fully secure and seize all assets of illegally operated US government, ISG, and corporate contractor sites and facilities we operate around the world.
- Amnesty period of 6-12 months for all whistleblowers, executives, ISG / government employees, corporations, and contractors to provide full, public and transparent disclosures are made regarding UFO / ISG / ARV / Secret space programs and operations in their countries. After the amnesty period, all individuals and corporations, both private and government contracted that do not come forward, will be swiftly, mercifully, and vigorously prosecuted.