UFO disclosure & free energy techonologies

It’s no secret our government is hiding anti-gravity, free-energy technologies / devices, the existence of our benevolent ET friends. It is not theoretical, they already have anti-gravity. These technologies would mean we would no longer need roads, fossil fuels, it could clean our oceans / air, ending the poverty crisis, and we can be traveling throughout the solar system. The best versions of this technology travel so fast that you can get anywhere in North America in about 90 seconds in these craft, and probably fully around the world in less than 5-10 minutes. 8 hours to the moon is a very manageable trip, and now if we can get these brought to the public, a lot more things are possible. We can expand through our solar system, and the best part about it is that humanity can expand our civilization to different planets and galaxies, pretty much making us a galactic civilization. If we have clean / free / wireless energy like Nikola Tesla created a century ago, we don’t need to pay for it anymore. That gets us off of the need for our outdated and corrupt financial system. It may not happen right away, but if you eliminate the need for paying for energy, you’re creating unimaginable economic prosperity the likes of which the world has never seen before. Most extraterrestrial species are NOT hostile to our planet or humanity. HOWEVER, they are INCREASINGLY CONCERNED about human hostility and weapon systems developments (nuclear, scalar, etc). Some have even shut down and monitored nuclear silos as a result of these developments. Tons of witness testimony. Extraterrestrial technology HAS been studied and reverse engineered, leading to a worldwide breakthrough revolution in energy and propulsion, which all have been ruthlessly suppressed in order to protect big oil / corporate industrialists and macroeconomic interests in business. Gravity control was mastered in October 1957.

  • An extremely secret organization has been running these projects without legal constitutional government oversight since the late 1950s, starting around the last year of Eisenhower’s term
  • These illegal projects present a very grave threat to national security, world security and frankly world peace
  • Key members of US Government agencies, oversight committees, and congresspersons have been denied access to these projects.
  • The technologies held by this unconstitutional and criminal illegal government would immediately solve the world’s energy, environmental (pollution) and poverty crises
  • These organizations and corporate contractors also have been targeting and on occasion, successfully downed ET vehicles, sometimes man made crafts created by corporations for testing purposes.
  • Crimes against humanity worldwide - immediate referral to International courts / tribunals for the crimes committed by illegal covert projects
Main Characteristics of Illegal Secret Government (ISG) UFO Projects & Operations:
- Legal intelligence, military, congresspersons, Presidents / world leaders are victims. Similar operations parallel to US projects exists in many, if not most other countries. ISG operates without acknowledging national and constitutional boundaries. Blackmail, bribery, and intimidation are the operational core

Presidential / Executive Branch Recommendations:

  • Full and transparent public congressional investigation of Secret Space Programs / UFO / ARV Projects.
  • Issue an executive order to immediately stand down all targeting and attacks on ET vehicles
  • Issue an executive order requiring all military contractors, other federal agencies of the US government to disclose to Congress and President all information, material technologies, and locations of UFO / ARV / Secret Space Program related assets. If not complied with within 6 months, offending parties will and must be prosecuted, tried, and swiftly sentenced for treason and other high crimes against the United States.
  • Issue an executive order requiring the immediate and public release of all US Patent Office patents that have been suppressed and seized under the corrupt use of the national security state that include free energy, teleportation, anti-gravity, and quantum healing machines.
  • Issue a congressional subpoena to immediately disclose all advanced energy generating technologies (zero-point, quantum vacuum, plasma generators, antigravity, etc) for peaceful and humanitarian use only.
  • Grant personal witness protection to UFO / ISG / ARV / Secret Space Program whistleblower witnesses and their families, including both government and private contractors
  • Immediate full and transparent DOJ and FBI investigations into illegal operations related to UFOs/ ISG / ARVs / Secret Space Programs, both government and private, including prosecution for fraud, kidnapping, witness intimidation, m*rder, treason and other serious crimes
  • Full, and public transparent Pentagon Investigation and prosecution of illegal criminal activity related to UFO / ISG / ARV / Secret Space Program operations under the UCMJ and ICC (Uniform Code of Military Justice or International Criminal Court)
  • Full authorization from the President or Secretary of Defense to allow access and mobilize our military strike teams to fully secure and seize all assets of illegally operated US government, ISG, and corporate contractor sites and facilities we operate around the world.
  • Amnesty period of 6-12 months for all whistleblowers, executives, ISG / government employees, corporations, and contractors to provide full, public and transparent disclosures are made regarding UFO / ISG / ARV / Secret space programs and operations in their countries. After the amnesty period, all individuals and corporations, both private and government contracted that do not come forward, will be swiftly, mercifully, and vigorously prosecuted.

Considering this would mean saving hundreds or thousands of dollars a month on gas and electric bills and give us flying cars, I would think more people could get behind this. Come on folks!


#Disclosure. Everything, everywhere, all at once! Our taxes have paid for this technology and knowledge. We deserve to have 100% access. Tesla, Kennedy assination, false flags, UFOS, free energy, geoengineering , underground facilities, the Antarctic, the moon, etc.


I nominate Dr. Steven Greer for director of foreign relations


I’m not as optimistic about what secret technologies they have, but by all means I’m for total disclosure.


Yes 1000%. He should be chief director for Trump on UFO matters with Dr. Michael Salla as deputy administrator.

Yes on the Tesla free energy use. Yes on medbed use. I am for all of those things in use on the Earth currently as we can ethically put them in place, such as these two technologies I’ve mentioned here.

Also, I believe that, when Humanity is ready and able, and as the first step in any kind of disclosure, we begin this discussion with the People on the truth of our Human experience with “ETs”. That is a MUST. Including our creation, enslavement period, the role of religion in controlling us, and the many, many aspects of what has taken place on the Earth and around our Galaxy. As you see, this is a broad and potentially difficult topic to breach. However, as we move forward, TRUTH is essential. Anything else is treason and will rapidly become unproductive if it is glossed over by lies and omissions.

I also recommend a hiatus on visitation by and with “ETs” for an amount of time so that Humanity can get a grip on the realities that have been kept form us. Once we empower ourselves and become sovereign and independent [excluding assistance and guidance that we are currently receiving on Ascension and technologies created here, left here, are in current use or in stages of planning on the Earth at this time] we can continue such contact on a larger scale.

Ultimately, I do believe that management of our “corner” of the galaxy is important and expected as a national and global effort. We have been assisted in immeasurable ways by our friends and neighbor Star Nations. We honor their Being. Thank you for such a comprehensive policy! :heart: :heart:

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This proposal is thoughtful and very thorough. Unfortunately – and this is by no means the author’s fault – it presupposes a number of “facts” which are highly questionable at best, possibly because it is based entirely upon unsubstantiated and/or unscientific theories provided by UFO disclosure leader Stephen Greer, who currently advises the new administration. I propose using a variety of UFO advisors with different perspectives on the problem.
Greer’s expertise in the field of ufology is not in dispute, and his contribution to the disclosure effort is immeasurable. But his presentation of the problem is both singular, and highly subjective, and his solution, grounded in spiritual aspirations rather than empirical reality, and potentially catastrophic to our national security.
Dr. Greer is a former emergency room MD, not a “scientist,” as he presents himself, and his usual occupation is that of New Age UFO religious leader, not academic researcher. This is not an objection to his leading a religious movement, but only to suggest that government UFO policy should not be informed by UFO religion, even if one aspect of that religion espouses the use of clean energy sources. And while it might be reasonable to conjecture that Nicola Tesla was onto something, energy-wise, and probably murdered by someone, for some reason, the link between Tesla, aliens, and free energy is not clear, let alone “proved,” and there is no evidence that aliens are “benevolent spiritual guides who will give us the secret to Tesla’s free energy,” even if the recipe for such energy is in fact possessed by someone, somewhere.
If one researches more widely, or even just reads the Pentagon report regarding this issue, what is clear is that, contrary to what Greer claims, we do NOT know what these alien entities are, despite the fact that military scientists have succeeded in reverse-engineering some of their technology, so any speculation regarding either ET origins, or their intentions, is exactly that: Speculation. What we do know is that the secrecy surrounding alien entities was requested by them, and not “imposed” by a secret branch of the military for the purpose of enriching private industry.
The questionable causal leap from “private industry has benefited financially from secret military contracts,” to “the military engages in the black ops business in order to enrich private industry” leads to other highly questionable conclusions, such as “the human abduction/experimentation atrocities ascribed to aliens are really being committed by the secret military in order to enrich private industry.”
It should go without saying that if the secret military is collaborating with aliens in committing atrocities, then it ought to be stopped. But this is a complex, highly compartmentalized, top-secret agenda spanning decades. The cover-up is not limited to aliens and UAP technology, but extends to numerous other branches of science as well, including anthropology, geophysics, climate theory, and cosmology, and involves global deep state complicity and disinformation dissemination dating back centuries; solving the problem is not a simple matter of issuing a single “desist” order to a single department head and expecting aliens to gratefully integrate at our invitation.
If we want to do something simple, why not simply believe them when these aliens tell us that they wish to remain unknown to us, and have only arrived to persuade us to dismantle our nuclear technology, which hurts them – and do it?
We do not know what these aliens are capable of, let alone who is leading whom in the alien/military collaboration, and proposing public policy based on New Age UFO religious principles will only re-enforce to the general population the idea that deep state conspiracy theorists, like “little green men,” are nothing but a joke. Greer’s spokesmanship is especially contentious now, when we are obviously in the middle of a global space invasion of some sort, and his insistence that it is all just a false flag essentially gives the press license to continue to censor the UFO problem – and the deep state license to continue to cover up whatever it is that they are up to with the drones and the fog and the weather control as well.

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