Turn America CHRISTIAN!

“For the people, by the people”

Since its founding, America has been an overwhelmingly Christian nation, therefore our government should reflect this.

The founding fathers, all being of a Christian background, habitually praying during constitutional conventions, and writing Christian ideals into our founding documents (Federalist Paper no.2), clearly intended that America would remain a Christian nation, but created the 1st ammendment to allow other religions to coexist as well - but I emphasize that their intention was America would remain a Christian nation, “… for ourselves and our posterity …” (Preamble).

“Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people–a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs” - John Jay, first supreme court justice and founding father

However, in our modern age, the poison of secularism has spread and contaminated our nation, resulting in disasterous consequences. The tearing down of our culture, loss of family values, morality, decency, respect for the law, etc.

To counteract this disaster, unforseen by the founding fathers, it is necessary that we circumvent the 1st ammendment to solidify Christianity in America again, for the sake of our nation, our families, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

To make this transistion, we should start by ammending the constituion and introducing a fourth branch to our government - the Church. The Pope should have the full power to veto bills, even if approved by the president, in addition to having the liberty to work with legislators. Perhaps he could share similar responsibilities and tie-breaking powers akin to the vice president, but this one can be expanded on. The President and the Pope would share the role of commander of Chief, and in case of disagreement, the supreme court would have the final say. This would apply for treaties, pardons and appointments as well. The supreme court should have the number of justices increased to 13, with a requirement to have at least 4 cardinals from the Catholic church serving on the supreme court at all times, which would be chosen by the Pope.

I understand it may be confusing to have the Catholic church become involved in the law, as America has been historically Protestant. However, Protestantism has fractured into many different, disorganized sects, and their churches have no centralized leaders; whereas the Catholic Church has the Pope and the SSPX, and the views of the Church on issues like culture, immigration, usury, etc, are adjacent to, if not better, than some Protestant denominations. For example, the church is vehemently opposed to abortion. We as Christians from many denominations must unite under the Catholics, being that they are the best representation of Christendom for the West.

“God is dead, and we have killed him” - Friedrich Nieztche.

It’s time to prove him wrong, and turn America into a nation that honors God again.


Everyone vote this so others can see!!! Let’s make this happen! :blush:

America has been a nation where people could come to worship the religion of thier choice, no matter what it was. No particular religion should ever be put above another. That’s why we have separation of church and state. Don’t push your religion onto our country, and other religions won’t do the same to you. This is one of our founding principles.


Read the post. I address why the 1st ammendment should be circumvented!

The founding fathers, all being of a Christian background, habitually praying during constitutional conventions, and writing Christian ideals into our founding documents (Federalist Paper no.2), clearly intended that America would remain a Christian nation, but created the 1st ammendment to allow other religions to coexist as well - but I emphasize that their intention was America would remain a Christian nation, “… for ourselves and our posterity …” (Preamble).

“Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people–a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs” - John Jay, first supreme court justice and founding father

What this is totally against each individuals free will!!!
And you’re right to believe in whatever the heck we want to believe in. Not a brainwashed society of all following the one thing belief! I know I was a part of a church cult. And I will not be deceived again! What about native Americans that honor and respect the Earth and their beliefs oh no they don’t need this for sure, I respect your belief but no way for me.

How about this. Become the Christian you want others to believe in and others should follow. The churches are having trouble with the same thing.
Lead by example.

I think is was Jesus who said: in Mark 6:11 (I looked it up)

“If anyone will not welcome you or listen to you, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that place, as a testimony against them.”


I think it would be a very good idea to follow Christian principles and recognize we are a Christian nation with some citizens who aren’t Christian.

I think it’s a terrible idea to involve the Pope, especially THIS Pope, who has intentionally desecrated the altar of St Peter with pagan idols and started Chrislam.

No way on that.

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The Puritans came here to flee the pope and the Catholic Church and it is why we have a separation of church and state, they abused their power and lied to the people. While I do agree in America being a Christian Nation, this certainty is not the way to go about it. The pope and the Catholic Church, mega-churches and prosperity churches have been led astray from the Word of God. Pray ceaselessly for the people of America and that Gods Will be done.