Treatment + Deprogramming for Feminism Poisoned Minds

This would apply to both Men and Women. Plenty of men are feminists these days too.
People who are sane and reasonable see feminism for what it truly is - social marxism with the express purpose of disrupting traditional social norms by destroying the family and the institution of marriage. The people brainwashed by this ideology have no idea that they are nothing but useful idiots in a fiendishly evil political movement bent on the complete utter destruction of Western civilization. Or that those behind this movement couldn’t care less about the plight of women. Though I think with the latest “wave” of feminism some people are beginning to see the light In realizing that women aren’t even included in feminism anymore. Women don’t even exist in it now.

Something needs to be done to help the afflicted. There needs to be resources that people can reach out to for help and information as well as treatments, therapy as is required to deprogram them.

When you see these social fads like 4B it’s easy to make jokes and laugh it off but the reality of it is sad. These people are crying out for help.

How can we help them? What sort of plans need to be made to deal with this mental health crises?

I’m not a medical person. Hopefully some professionals can chime in and offer some good ideas.

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you need to tell people, exactly, why traditional values and western civilization are worth saving and cultivating.

I do. Agree with your sentiment about feminism being part of a Marxist ideology and agenda that distorts reality and disrupts the natural family values and dynamics.To add to this is a certain fundamental truth that seems to be ignored or forgotten by many people in this generation.
I do not take credit for this but I believe and that many studies of various cultures/countries in the past have shown that the family unit is the basic structure of any society.When the mother and father are healthy, physically, emotionally, and mentally and are supported by their own community (meaning that the group is cohesive ,sharing the same values )the children are likely to be healthy in all aspects of life.They thrive and so does their community but when one or both parents are removed from the family home the children are more likely to be depressed or become involved in activities that are detrimental for them.
In the past that we have been taught throughout the history of society when the nuclear family is separated or lost there follows the disintegration of that cultures society.
Furthermore, feminism was created by the Rockefellers to help remove father from the home and to empower Mother to go to work . This wasso that they could tax her and make more money .This movement. left children, vulnerable, and often alone, or with other members of the community that maybe did not have the best intentions.Parental absence created opportunities for trauma and opportunities for the abuse and the neglect of little ones .Mother at times became a. Single and was distracted by trying to earn a living alone and trying to support the family and take care of everything. All of this leads to more depression, anxiety and unhappiness in general. The great intention of feminism was to remove mother away from her children and for her to not recognize or remember the great honor that is given by the creator because she is the vessel that brings life and she is also the great teacher to the child…
The other part of this is that men must remember how to be men and be honorable that their role is to provide and protect and help nurture the family. A big part of the society that we see now is a byproduct of a lack of fidelity in the home, a lack of those morals, that many of us recall.S So along with helping to de-program, this ridiculous idea of what feminism is supposed to be, and not recognizing the beauty and feminine Grace that is part of being a woman Is the reinvestment in instilling the values of what a good man and honorable man does. There are many examples now that are out in front of people, but they have to be able to understand what they’re saying and learn to become more like that

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Western civilization is what raised us out of feudalism and will hopefully stop our current descent into Neo-feudalism.

So, any ideas that can help the feminist men and women to overcome this infantalizing victimization and learn to be whole actual people again?

feudalism is western… all the kings and knights and lords are staples of western civilization.

feminism is not about being a professionsl victim, but about the independence of women.

women have been forced into a dependence from men for a very long time. they could not leave even when men were violent and abusive, and if a man just neglected his women, being cold and loveless, other women said as a solace “at least he doesn’t beat you” - which is a very low standard. Today, women can walk away from all this, and that’s a good thing.

Thanks for enlightening input. But I’m not interested in discussing the merits of feminism because there aren’t any at all.

What needs to be discussed here is how to help the people of both sexes who are smart enough to know that abject hatred isn’t a healthy lifestyle and need guidance with detoxifying their minds. Perhaps even spirituality to help give their lives meaning.

Can we please limit commenting to the actual topic going forward?


Maybe a clear definition of “feminism” were a good starting point.

Do you want to take away the right for women to vote?
take away the right for women to own money and property?
take away the right for women to sign contracts?
take away the right for women to drive a car?

feminists have fought for all these rights. and I, a woman, am grateful for my sisters who accomplished this.

yes, in recent times there has been a trend to style oneself as a perpetual victim, an attitude of whininess and dependence from some bigger authority who is supposed to put everything right while micromanaging the life of all people in tyrannical ways. yes, that certainly is toxic femininity.

lets fight against toxic behaviours. I agree wholeheartedly.

but not all feminism is toxic. If you want to suppress my rights as a citizen, while keeping yours, I’ll fight that with all means in my power.

if you want to fight against toxic behaviours in any form, including toxic femininity, count me in.

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Barbara, I’m not saying anyone should have their rights taken away.

I have a good friend who is a feminist woman. We go on dates together even though she knows I’m a traditional sort of guy. She has confided in me about how she feels betrayed by feminism due to the trans agenda and strongly believes that biological men should not be allowed to compete with women in sports or use women’s private spaces.

I’m a guy. I don’t know how to talk with her about this stuff and I don’t think it’s my place to do so. I honestly think if there were resources she could reach out to voluntarily she would be eager to do so. She needs help with her “crises of faith” and needs to speak with other women about it. But all the other women she surrounds herself with are also feminists as are her doctors and therapists etc. etc.
And those people make her feel bad about her beliefs. As though she’s becoming the enemy.

I think she needs options. She would probably appreciate hearing about other points of view since she’s a fairly open minded person.
But she wouldn’t be as receptive to other perspectives from a man. So there’s not alot I can do for her.


What is your constitutional basis for this proposition?


Blockquote The United States Constitution does not set forth an explicit right to health care, and the Supreme Court has never interpreted the Constitution as guaranteeing a right to health care services from the government for those who cannot afford it.

An interesting read that supports my idea.